Example sentences of "it be left to " in BNC.

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1 It was less than an hour from dusk , and we would have camped there had it been left to me .
2 If it were left to itself the House of Commons could produce independent members in a way that would make the King 's Government impossible since it could refuse to grant the money needed to carry out his will .
3 erm For instance we know that , that erm in this country you ca n't get a mortgage without taking out fire insurance , and the reason why it 's mandatory in a mortgage is because if it were left to people 's whim they would n't do it , they 'd say , ‘ Well it wo n't happen to me , ’ and mortgage companies do n't like that very much .
4 There was no set text for the wording , it being left to the printer to ensure that what was asked for complied with the Act .
5 It 's left to her sister , after decent legacies for both parents and small ones to charity , and to her sister 's children if the sister predeceases .
6 ‘ On all instances when it 's left to The Smiths alone , we are unbeatable .
7 If it 's left to the free market these things will not progress fast enough .
8 There is a stony silence , Dolores hides her head and turns away and it 's left to Fergal to say in solemn tones :
9 It 's left to people working in education to discover those applications in their own disciplines .
10 Mostly it 's left to family carers .
11 It 's left to Nicky Henson ( who also does a mean pirate impersonation ) and Mark Tandy to have their moments as the unlucky actors attempting to portray the fictional brothers in the stage play .
12 It 's left to practitioners to deal with ’ .
13 Once again , it is left to the courts to draw the line according to their overall judgment of the facts .
14 It is left to the individual 's instinct and good sense , which are not always entirely sound .
15 It is left to the reader to plot these points on figure 10.3 , and to connect the first and third .
16 If it is left to the provider , there will be strong incentives to select the lower cost , least complicated cases , within the contracted category .
17 Full discussion of it is left to Section 5 , where the main points it raises are more relevant .
18 Too often it is left to the police and union officials to work these things out in a hostile environment where clear thinking is at a premium .
19 PFA chief executive Taylor said : ‘ We are going down a dangerous road when it is left to referees to decide whether players are injured or not .
20 ‘ There is a facility to download information directly from the general ledger , but because we have a variety of different general ledgers and structures , it is left to the unit to sort it out . ’
21 In the meantime , it is left to Michael Aspel to grapple with the contemporary record .
22 Now that movie stars dress down , sleep around , admit to neuroses and drug habits , it is left to the supermodels to live out fantasies .
23 In the end it is left to Dickson McCunn to further the romantic element of the book when he impersonates the chosen royal candidate , the elderly and ailing Archduke Hadrian .
24 A directive is addressed to member states within the EC but it is left to each individual government to decide whether or not to implement the directive .
25 More commonly , it is left to be inferred from general language which contains no qualification in favour of the immunity .
26 It is left to Minerva to give a more balanced view ; reporting on a large trial of the same drug she notes ‘ men hoping for a drug treatment for benign prostatic hypertrophy will have to wait a while longer … small improvements in a urinary flow rate and a small reduction in the size of the gland have to be balanced against negative effect on both libido and potency . ’
27 The relevance is implicit when it is left to the reader to appreciate the importance of a point within that particular answer .
28 Every immigrant family carries this sense of pain somewhere in its psyche , but often it is left to the women to hold the sense of pain and loss while the husbands and children find their way in the new world .
29 Britain does not have a supreme constitutional court to pass judgement on what is " unconstitutional " and it is left to the constitutional authorities to do their best to enforce particular patterns of constitutional political behaviour .
30 It is left to individual men to find the way — to create small islands of sanity in an ocean of storms . ’
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