Example sentences of "it be all the " in BNC.

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1 It 's all the more important now , for you especially , but for Gareth , for Mackie and your new grandchild as well .
2 That 's why it 's all the more important that he rides well , out of us all . ’
3 It 's all the more credit to him that he 's got his goals in this era . ’
4 ‘ Marty Quinn and myself have been trying to rebuild the side and , considering the turnover in players , it 's all the more pleasing to have got this far in the cup .
5 Er , the European project goes on and for many of the newer generations in this place , it 's not longer an article of faith er but a part of the political landscape that has to be dealt with on merit and it 's all the more ludicrous therefore Mr Deputy Speaker , that the Conservatives ' internal divisions over Maastricht have led to a situation where candidates for the ever more important European elections are only now being selected in certain seats , just fourteen weeks before the election .
6 Cuddly Saddam Iraq is not a country one normally sees being defended , so it is all the more intriguing to read a glowing account of this thuggish regime by Tony Marlow , the right-wing Tory MP for Northampton North .
7 As dialect , it is all the more vulnerable to disintegration and collapse .
8 It is all the more remarkable then that at the end of the century it was thought feasible and worthwhile to improve the system by the creation of the inclined plane , that other source of interest and wonder at Foxton .
9 If , like many executives , you have no representative to act on your behalf in redundancy negotiations , it is all the more important for there to be detailed discussions between you and your employer about any plans to make you redundant .
10 ‘ If that is so then it is all the more important to find out the truth , ’ she said quietly .
11 The 20th century may have been slow to arrive in Langtoft , but it is all the better for that , and whilst the village has now caught up with modern times , it remains a haven of peace from the mad pace of town and city life .
12 It is all the more so in the housing market because of its highly geared nature .
13 Knowing that nearly every parish in the country had their own guild or fraternity at one time , it is all the more frustrating to learn that little exists from the once vast stock of pre-Reformation funerary artefacts .
14 This being so , it is all the more important to end by underlining what I take to be gained by the acceptance of my proposal that concessive holism should be adopted as the most fruitful approach to social explanation .
15 The fact that disruptive behaviour often leads to considerable stress , anxiety and absenteeism suggests that it is all the more important that schools tackle the issue with more clarity and imagination .
16 It is all the more surprising , therefore , that the DC-10 was to fall victim to the same hazard when the Turkish Airlines DC-10 crashed with so many fatalities near paris .
17 So it is all the more remarkable that in France , Spain and Italy , where politicians hesitate before being less than wholeheartedly Europhile , parties have either come into government , or may soon do so , that are less enthusiastic about European union than those they replaced .
18 So it is all the more striking to see what happens when those known language experiences are translated on to the page of a book .
19 If so it is all the greater tribute to his qualities that he never took a step to force the issue or to encourage abdication .
20 If prior knowledge is low , then it is all the more vital to activate and organise It .
21 It is all the more significant that while Anglo-papal relations at the formal level were not imperilled , the attitudes of Englishmen were more vulnerable to alienation as successive popes underwrote an unpopular king or unpopular crown policies .
22 But because of the very vagueness of form in the crime novel it is all the more important to bear what it is constantly in mind , and all the more difficult to do so .
23 But I hope that you will think , as I do , that because this basic subject is omitted in ordinary teaching syllabuses it is all the more important that law students should pick up something about it on their own .
24 Since they will not be viewing the whole picture comprehensively , since they will perforce be selectively choosing values and acting on limited information , it is all the more important that the reasons why they have chosen a particular course of conduct should be articulated .
25 The Guild members were not asked about birth control in the questionnaire that elicited these letters , so it is all the more surprising that twenty women volunteered the information that they either used or approved of contraception .
26 It is all the more heart-warming now to be in contact with you and to receive copies of Nonesuch .
27 If one remembers that the rebels had sympathizers in London , although these may have been partly alienated from them by the disorders , it is all the more remarkable how quickly the city authorities reasserted their control and obtained substantial support .
28 The organisational changes that come with white-collar CCT and its attendant activities create an environment where it is all the more imperative for the traditionally federal style of Town Hall management to look very carefully at how it manages its electronic records .
29 It is all the more striking a testimony to the power of natural selection , therefore , that numerous examples can be found in real nature , in which independent lines of evolution appear to have converged , from very different starting points , on what looks very like the same endpoint .
30 Given the expense of engineering reports it is all the more important to check out the expert 's fitness before commissioning the report .
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