Example sentences of "[num ord] group of [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The second group of arguments in the retirement debate concerned the health and welfare of the older individual .
2 The patrols searching the first group of farms around the village of Pontino were the only ones to bring the Captain anything when they returned , muddy and exhausted , after their double shift .
3 He saw the first group of storm-troopers in the forest to his left .
4 The SNC agreed to issue an appeal to the UN Secretary-General proposing the quick dispatch of the first group of troops of the UN Transitional Authority in Cambodia ( UNTAC ) .
5 In the same counties , with the addition of Cornwall and Rutland , the median for eighty-five esquires was about £60 compared with £80 from 124 feodary surveys ; several men were worth upwards of £200 and clearly correspond with the first group of gentlemen in the table .
6 At the beginning of December 1939 , Fred Dunstan was one of the adults who went with the last group of children from the transit camp to ‘ Bydown ’ , not far from Barnstaple in North Devon .
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