Example sentences of "[num ord] night when it be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 That view was supported last night when it was revealed that Anne would not promise to obey her new husband during the service at the stone and slate-built Crathie Church , close to Balmoral , on Saturday .
2 THE Queen came under fire last night when it was revealed it costs £369,000 for a day 's sailing in the royal yacht Britannia .
3 THE Queen came under fire last night when it was revealed that taxpayers fork out £369,000 for a day 's sailing in the royal yacht Britannia .
4 A PUBLIC relations stunt to prove that Charles and Diana have patched up their troubled marriage backfired last night when it was revealed they will still sleep in separate beds .
5 TROUBLED morning television station GMTV finally had something to smile about last night when it was revealed it gained an extra million viewers over the last two weeks .
6 A GREY parrot had detectives baffled last night when it was handed in at a Liverpool police station .
7 THE first split in the Government 's ranks over the ambulance workers dispute appeared last night when it was disclosed that Mr David Trippier , the Environment Minister , had written to the Health Secretary saying he could see the logic in the ambulance workers ' case .
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