Example sentences of "have [be] found on " in BNC.

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1 This does not mean that life has been found on Mars .
2 THE body of a 26-year-old man who was apparently buried alive while trying to rescue one of his terriers when it became trapped down a hole , has been found on a Welsh mountainside .
3 No evidence of digestion has been found on any insectivore teeth in the assemblages of the category 1 species ( Fig. 3.17 H ) .
4 Despite the efforts of a team of Alpine climbers in the past no exit for any shaft has been found on the exterior of the pyramid .
5 This deity has been found on a pottery mould ( fig. 14.20 ) at Corbridge , the great military works depôt and supply base , where local craftsmen would have been working .
6 Also a very similar figure has been found on a Nene Valley sherd ( fig. 14.22 ) .
7 Much fine sculpture of the period has been found on Paros and Naxos as well as other islands , especially kouroi and korai .
8 Despite intensive searches neither has been found on Bouvetøya and only the grass is known from the South Sandwich Islands .
9 A. fragilis has been found on both sides of the Atlantic : in the west it has been recorded off Martha 's Vineyard north to the Davis Strait and W. Greenland at depths of 430–2640 m ; in the eastern side it has been recorded from the Faeroe Channel in 750 m .
10 Contaminated ham has been found on sale in dozens of supermarkets and delicatessens .
11 Agriculture Parliamentary Secretary Earl Howe said : ‘ I am very disappointed that Potato Brown Rot has been found on a farm for the first time in this country .
12 She 'd been found on the floor beside her pushchair in the office of a local playgroup .
13 She 'd been found on the floor beside her pushchair in the office of a local playgroup .
14 In the past this plant would only have been found on the better drained slopes leading to our moorland plateaux , but because of man 's interference in this environment , by digging drainage ditches and lowering the water table , the plant has been able to spread onto the plateaux themselves .
15 lumps of concrete had been found on the line in front of the first train
16 Blood had been found on the clothing of Henry and Francis Tidbury .
17 In a dig in 1927 the remains of three 17th-century monks , slain by Cromwell , had been found on the site of the high altar ; and one of them had the pewter chalice crushed against his heart .
18 The Mountie said grudgingly that a blood-covered rolled-up sheet of plastic had been found on the track near the area where Angelica must have been battered , and it could have been used as a poncho , and it was being investigated for blood type and fingerprints .
19 Four of the most beautiful bracelets had been found on the skeletal arm of a female mummy .
20 16–9 The steamer " Maggie " brought a quantity of dynamite for use at the Ballygrant lead mines , where a rich and thick lode had been found on the farm of Finlaggan .
21 A shod note accompanied the card , informing me that it had been found on Oberleutnant Bauer 's body .
22 THE UNDERTAKER 'S CLOTHES had been found on Tuesday evening , and if the news reached Fleet Street news editors , none of them thought it worth mentioning .
23 She said that all MPs must take advice on personal security very seriously for the sake of themselves and their families ; Gow 's name had been found on an IRA death list discovered in a south London flat in December 1988 .
24 If the all-provident mother of the hunter-gatherer societies had been lost with the coming of agriculture and weaning so that a divine substitute had had to be found in heaven in the shape of the mother-goddess , then eventually a real , human substitute had been found on earth in the person of the all-powerful emperor or king whose granaries could supply in reality what the opulent breasts of the divine mother promised in phantasy — namely , reassurance against oral anxiety and the fear of hunger .
25 The swans had been found on the canal by neighbours the morning after they 'd been killed .
26 Noth Bucks Coroner Rodney Corner told the jury at today 's inquest that six month old Hannah Davies had been found on the floor beside her buggy at a local playgroup .
27 Large quantities of unused frozen meat and blubber have been found on rubbish dumps after recent drives .
28 Sherds of such pottery have been found on sites along the eastern seaboard of the United States , including Florida , the Caribbean islands and parts of South America such as Venezuela .
29 Up to five different toxin genes have been found in some strains of Bt and up to four different genes have been found on the same plasmid .
30 This has scotched a plan by hunters in the forest of Trysil , 200 km north of Oslo , to kill three wolves whose tracks have been found on the border with Sweden .
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