Example sentences of "have [verb] about [adj] " in BNC.

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1 About 25 requests for a public inquiry have been received , and Buckinghamshire county council has received about 200 letters objecting to it .
2 And the Southern Health Board has received about 4,000 letters of protest at proposed ‘ rationalisation ’ plans .
3 Over the centuries Cornwall 's tin output has totalled about 10 times the annual quantity the world produces now .
4 Ultimate has installed about 50 systems to date in the Commonwealth of Independent States ; Almazjuvelir Export can pay in hard currency because it exports over $1,000m annually in jewellery , precious metals and gemstones and holds exclusive rights to manufacture reproductions of the Faberge eggs .
5 The resultant ‘ Clubturf ’ , and with it the ‘ Natural ’ cricket pitch , started a quiet revolution which to date has seen about 2000 Clubturf installations at county clubs , public schools and village greens .
6 He has seen about 6000 patients over the years and all except six had suffered from allergies .
7 It should be stressed , however , that — while the outlines of human activities are clear — there are still many uncertainties : for instance , we know that the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide has risen about 9 per cent since 1959 .
8 It has been estimated that this particular treatment has saved about 10 million lives .
9 Jobs saved : A £55m North Sea gas and oil rig order won by offshore engineering company AMEC off Aberdeen has saved about 1,000 jobs , sdays the firm .
10 The vehicle has done about 56,000 .
11 Since then it has done about 4000 miles and generated a lot of interest among fellow hacks — especially now we have the handling and ride back to its exalted best with new shocks and a set of tyres .
12 Adept has produced about 3,000 robots since it was founded in 1983 .
13 So far the museum has raised about half the amount and fingers are crossed that they can find the rest before June .
14 The company , which has garnered about ten customers so far , has turnkey agents available from Sybase , Lotus and Unix E-mail .
15 Louis Gerstner was by no means the first , and IBM Corp has been actively hiring executives from outside the company since the beginning of the year , Associated Press reports : it says that IBM has hired about 30 outside executives in the past two years and is searching for 50 more ; incomers include Robert Howe , 48 , general manager , IBM Consulting Group , former head of worldwide financial services practice at consulting firm Booz-Allen & Hamilton ; Michael Cannon , 40 , vice-president , personal systems storage devices , Adstar , former senior vice-president , worldwide operations at Syquest Technology Inc ; John Osborne , 39 , sales director , Personal Software Products , former vice-president of sales and marketing at Zenith Data Systems Inc ; Jon Cornell , 53 , assistant general manager , original equipment manufacturers sales and marketing , IBM Technology Products , former president , Harris Corp ; John Singleton , 56 , general manager , business development , Integrated Systems Solution Corp , former chief executive , Security Pacific Automation Co ; and Clare Thain , 43 , advertising and promotion director , IBM US , who was formerly the managing partner at Ronald James Direct .
16 George , not unlike his subject , has spent about half his life in Ireland west , north and south he tells me I said why not Dublin and he says that 's what I meant
17 The trust , which has lost £153,000 on the project , has restored about 200 properties and was prominent in preserving Pell Well Hall in Shropshire and the 12th century Siddington Barn near Cirencester , Glos .
18 The trust , which has lost £153,000 on the project , has restored about 200 properties and was prominent in preserving Pell Well Hall in Shropshire and the 12th century Siddington Barn near Cirencester , Glos .
19 The recent frenzy of docklands development , coupled with a growing relish for waterside properties , has brought about two other well-appointed marinas : the Marina at South Dock and Chelsea Harbour .
20 In one stroke ( which has taken about two years to organise ) HarperCollins will substantially reduce overheads and become a major force in the mass market field .
21 Most of her rent — £96 a month — is covered by housing benefit but she still has to pay about half of her poll tax .
22 Mr Karimov justifies his hard line by pointing to the chaos in neighbouring Tajikistan , where a war between rival clans has left about 20,000 dead and displaced some 600,000 people from their homes .
23 Margaret , a member of the Suffolk and North Essex Humanists , has conducted about 20 humanist funerals in the past 18 months , despite her own struggles against cancer and the post-viral fatigue syndrome ME .
24 British Gas said that over the last 10 years it has lost about 2,000 workers a year with the switch to natural gas .
25 So far it has lost about 175 staff which represents ‘ the thick end of 20% ’ according to deputy chief executive Paul Mathews .
26 The Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague has returned about 700 works over the past six months .
27 She 'd missed about twenty keeps coming along ,
28 With annoying irrelevance it occurred to Quentin that the name of the film on the television screen was Three Smart Girls , which he 'd seen about thirty-five years ago , when he was a child himself .
29 I 'd done about four sitcoms one after the other , and I was n't getting much time to do theatre which I really wanted to do .
30 And er I got , they 'd got about twelve hundred members , and I think I got about a thousand , of course there were n't two of the men that knew and they voted .
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