Example sentences of "have [verb] [adv] to get " in BNC.

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1 After all , the hawks do actually eat what they catch and you can see how hard the hawk has to work just to get one square meal .
2 In the case of women 's speech it goes back to antiquity , and its legacy has proved hard to get rid of .
3 But old boss Beck knows Dublin will come back fighting : ‘ The lad has battled hard to get to the big time and he wo n't forget where he 's come from . ’
4 Right down , and how , do you have to go outside to get to it ?
5 Yeah , but did n't you have to go there to get your dole ?
6 They must have worked fast to get it together , Charles thought .
7 ‘ You must have studied hard to get where you are today , starting up your own company .
8 Yeah well , there was n't many shops there really dear , there were just the er fishmongers and greengrocers and the butchers and the , we used to have to go there to get , to queue up , you had to queue because there was no , not many shops to be there you see to serve you , it 's altered a lot now , there 's a lot more shops now and the doctors I used to have to queue right out the gate , the doctors a big long queue , there was only Dr surgery and then we had another doctor came that started down at erm the bottom of erm Harlow near where , where do they call that ?
9 You placed bets on what card was going to be drawn and you had to guess correctly to get your money back .
10 We 've done well to get Nails and Hoomey going so well .
11 You 've done well to get that .
12 The whole plane was full and Nick had done well to get him a seat at all .
13 He reckoned he had done well to get away with two cups of tea and forty minutes of reminiscence before an opening arose to thrust in a question .
14 He had gone away to get more ammunition and fired twice more .
15 Philip took the path that he and Lee had taken yesterday to get to the edge of the field .
16 On their return , Mrs Holt and the children had tried unsuccessfully to get a reaction with persistent knocking at the Shill 's door .
17 We 've vowed never to get married .
18 Ruth saw at once that her grandfather was not in the room , but she took it for granted that by some miracle he had improved enough to get upstairs and was resting in bed .
19 You have to work harder to get a good news hook , but it , but it , it still exists and people still are interested , provided it 's a hook .
20 Our suitors have to shout just to get our names .
21 And I expect he 's gone away to get them printed now
22 Erm and so I guess he 's gone away to get some made .
23 United have fought hard to get to the top and they 're in no mood to let promotion slip …
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