Example sentences of "have [adv] changed [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But one thing I can tell you about Port Vale , the ground has vastly changed from last season , the terracing 's been improved , their seating , it 's pure luxury apart from the press box , because I still have to climb that suspect wooden ladder , and perched on top of the main stand is a shed where I 'm speaking to you from Jane .
2 By the mid-century , the novelist 's art has entirely changed in this respect : extensive description of living space is no longer the rare exception but the rule .
3 society has somewhat changed in twenty five twenty eight years
4 ( You notice that Samson 's wounds score has suddenly changed from 100 per cent to 60 per cent .
5 This aspect of training has not changed at all .
6 For the basic fabric of his life has not changed at all .
7 The basic engine has not changed at all .
8 That has not changed at all in twenty centuries .
9 Man 's basic need has not changed over the five centuries that this book covers .
10 The litany of complaints , in particular the bureaucratic inertia of the various tiers of government , has not changed over the past quarter century ; yet much has been done , both by foreign and Italian committees .
11 Harry , who lives in Earlstone House , a residential home in Coniscliffe Road , believes cricket has not changed over the years .
12 The difference between the French and English approaches to making mustard , technology apart , has not changed for a century .
13 A programme of activities which has not changed for , say two years may need review and amendment .
14 When you realise that 90 are now considered a reasonable number , it is clear that at least one thing has not changed for the better .
15 One thing that has not changed with the passing millennia , however , is the rage of the man whose work is forged .
16 So even though the yield has not changed from 10 per cent over the period , the holding period return is less than 10 per cent .
17 So even though the discount rate has not changed from 10 per cent , the holding-period return is greater than the 10 per cent discount rate , but it is less than the 10.26 per cent yield to maturity calculated using ( 4.10 ) .
18 Sadly , one thing has not changed in 30 years : certain governments of the world still falsely imprison , torture and execute their citizens , regardless of internationally agreed standards that expressly forbid such abuses .
19 However , Mr Major insisted : ‘ Our economic objective has not changed in the slightest .
20 Its decor has not changed in two decades .
21 Kinnock has not changed in five years .
22 Given the amount of matter in the vicinity of Sgr A , an outburst is not an unreasonable expectation , although since its discovery in 1974 , the luminosity has not changed by more than a factor of two .
23 He has scarcely changed at all .
24 I first heard and reviewed a pair of SD Ribbons several years ago ; to look at , the design has scarcely changed in that time , except that it is now obviously more professionally engineered and finished .
25 For his own paddling Andy has just changed from the AeroQuatic to the Dagger Crossfire and can now do brilliant 360s without paddles .
26 That position has already changed with the executive agencies , and the improvement will be rewarded with the charter mark .
27 Although there has been some shift in the 1980s to the political right in the United States and West Germany , the socialist share of the vote has hardly changed over the two decades in Austria , Scandinavia , West Germany , and Italy .
28 The proportion of old people living in cold homes has hardly changed over the last 20 years despite improvements in living conditions , a report shows .
29 The top 15 has hardly changed since last season .
30 Reached through winding landscapes bathed in delicate hues reminiscent of a Perugino painting , Città della Pieve was Perugino 's birthplace and has hardly changed since renaissance times .
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