Example sentences of "have [adv] long [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I know , ’ Flavia went on , ‘ that people do n't like a divorce in their family , but when you think that his has so long ceased to be a real marriage You have n't seen them together , Michel and …
2 When one tries to analyse the real reasons for the respect which French cookery has so long exacted from the rest of the world , the French genius for presentation must be counted as a very relevant point , and its humble beginnings can be seen on the market stalls , i the small town charcutiers ' and pâtissiers ' shops , in the modest little restaurants where even if the cooking is not particularly distinguished , the most ordinary of little dishes will be brought to your table with respect , properly arranged on a serving dish , the vegetables separately served , the object of arousing your appetite will be achieved and the proprietors of the establishment will have made the most of their limited resources .
3 The old fulminations against political alliances will be heard , and the old predictions of financial disaster will be trotted out ; the old yarns about schemes of interested but impecunious politicians who desire to insert their capacious hands into our money chests will be ventilated ; we shall , in fact , be inundated by all the old bosh which has so long confused the issues and blocked the way to advance in the direction of cooperative representation .
4 Arthur is inclined to be delicate and it 's feared he has not long to live .
5 The gaoler who usually dealt with Cameron was called Jamie — he called himself Jamie , like a little boy who has not long learned to speak .
6 And he suspects the stolen car has now long disappeared across the border .
7 ‘ He has n't long to live , ’ was the answer .
8 I well it has n't long started .
9 yeah , you can go ok watch her actually because er , she went right back up on these bloody chairs this afternoon , I mean she really cried , oh course I mean she , oh when Catherine come in I mean she 'd not long done it , then she nodded off to sleep I said oh they always say you should try , I mean I
10 I was still living with my parents at the time and I 'd not long passed my driving test — with Bernie 's assistance — so I borrowed my old man 's Austin Cambridge one Sunday morning and drove over to Nick 's .
11 They 'd not long allowed white caddies at Augusta , and the police were n't used to people like me .
12 Having so long regarded our intelligence as supreme , perhaps we should now consider the possibility that other creatures may be equally intelligent and possess a communication system that is beyond our comprehension .
13 And accordingly they treat it , as if , in the present age , this were an agreed point , among all people of discernment ; and nothing remained , but to set it up as a principal subject of mirth and ridicule , as it were by way of reprisals , for its having so long interrupted the pleasures of the world .
14 ‘ I was imprisoned and held captive by the very forces I had so long sought to perfect and that I had honed and polished until they were stronger and more glittering than anything ever known at Tara .
15 He wrote to Mary admitting the ‘ ardent attachment ’ he had so long felt for her , and asked her to confirm a rumour that she too was now engaged .
16 The English king was being offered what English kings had so long desired .
17 It is not that Jesus himself was God and man in the special and quite unique sense that Christian dogma had so long maintained .
18 How superior she suddenly felt to that woman in the bed , the woman whom she had so long admired , even idolised , but who knew little of human nature after all .
19 When the supply of heavy furniture , and of the more ponderous artistic objects , had been exhausted , there began the rape of " the possessions " which had so long encumbered the Residency and the banqueting hall .
20 With that homely air of perplexed affection that had so long endeared her to Louisa 's heart , she gave voice to a remaining consideration .
21 The idea was a novelty , it illumined a new area of thought in Isabel Lavender 's mind , and she felt a little daring , a little afraid , at bringing up for scrutiny something she had so long taken for granted .
22 The French Corps des Galères was suppressed in 1748 ; and by the time of the French Revolution , except for the few maintained by the Spanish fleet and one or two in the navies of the small Italian States , galleys had disappeared from the sea which they had so long dominated .
23 But how could the Templars , operating in the early twelfth century , have acquired such familiarity with a cryptographic system dating from a thousand years before , whose practitioners had apparently long vanished from the stage of history ?
24 DALGLISH 'S Liverpool had not long recorded their biggest League win this century ( 7-1 at Derby ) and followed it with five goals against Leeds .
25 This , despite the fact that he had not long seen the evidence of its use with his own eyes , in the shape of the two sprawled corpses at the gas station .
26 He had not long declared that poetry was a ‘ mug 's game ’ ; and Rupert Doone , not the most accomplished of public speakers , got rather tied up by trying to say that Eliot was not himself a mug and yet somehow implying that , for saying such a thing he must be .
27 He considered that Liza was behaving disgracefully , maintained that Harriet was encouraging her daughter in what he called ‘ selfish laziness ’ and that , sorry as he was about the death of John Carrow , surely Harriet had not long lost her own husband and it was up to Liza to give her more support .
28 Why did Doctor Lanyon think that he had not long to live ?
29 One Saturday at about 3 o'clock when the 2.47 had not long gone through and he had put the ‘ line clear ’ through , he was standing at the window and saw the lad .
30 Her name was Nellie and she was in the same class as me at school and her family had not long moved into the neighbourhood .
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