Example sentences of "in relation to the " in BNC.

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1 His role in relation to the disturbances is never really clarified , nor is that of Stephens , an intelligent boy who deserts the Grange , is in touch with the gangs , and is murdered .
2 The article leads you to wonder about her religious faith , if she has one , and about where it stands in relation to the outlook of the editor of Commentary , author of a book about his ambitions for worldly success : Making it must be the least pious book that has ever been written .
3 As a party , it really only exercised a modicum of power in relation to the Stormont administration .
4 At the instant of applying the excess rudder , it speeds up the outer wing-tip , creating more lift there , and gives the inner wing ‘ sweep back ’ in relation to the airflow , thus increasing the tendency to tip stall on that wing while reducing it on the other .
5 In fact , the rudder power of most gliders is very poor in relation to the huge inertia of the heavy , long-span wings , and there may not be any visible effect when opposite rudder is applied in an incipient spin .
6 The only safeguard is to maintain the correct position carefully and to release at once if the glider is beginning to get too high in relation to the towplane .
7 Seeking to unravel police decision-making in relation to the classification of crimes , McCabe and Sutcliffe ( ibid. ) admitted that as outsiders they were usually not quick enough to grasp the nuances of what was taking place before them .
8 It is the marker of ‘ force ’ and hence continues to sustain the continuing paradox of ‘ police force — police service ’ which remains unresolved , on which I will say more later in relation to the role of women police officers .
9 Four years later , as I mentioned above , I was party to the same fear at Bramshill , in relation to the use of the Nato sweater .
10 It is this : saying that the character of ‘ mental representations ’ ( beliefs and imaginings , for example ) can be understood only in terms of a history of activity , or that it is the subject 's conception of himself as active in relation to the world which gives these ‘ representations ’ their ‘ content ’ or ‘ semantics ’ ( I hope to have shown something like this ) is simply irrelevant to the mind-body problem .
11 Were they hitting the ball in front in relation to the centre of the court ?
12 More specialised terminals , such as those handling chemicals or coal , have thrived in relation to the industry they serve , though the tendency has been to close lesser used depots whenever investment in new track or pointwork has become necessary .
13 LORD JUSTICE DILLON said that it was not in doubt that if the copy was privileged in relation to the employee 's then claims because obtained for the purpose of advice in relation to those claims , it retained its privileged condition in respect of the subsequent claims now being advanced by the bank : Pearce v Foster ( 1885 ) 15 QBD 114 .
14 What the programme should do now , however , is concentrate more on the politics of rugby : both the internal politics of the game itself ( which are omnipresent ) and the politics of the game in relation to the outside world .
15 Mr Ward , a senior partner of the Washington law firm of Ward , Lazarus , Grow & Cihlar , is the eighth person to face criminal proceedings in relation to the Guinness affair .
16 But the NEC said that all the associations had performed poorly in relation to the criteria it had set for them .
17 But it is sliding ever backwards in relation to the West .
18 If anything , the rarity of such successes ( disproportionately few in relation to the number of writers and artists ) testifies to the crucial place of Arts Council grants for minorities in British society .
19 He advocated an approach of saying , ‘ Yes , but ’ , rather than ‘ No , perhaps , ’ in relation to the European Community .
20 But he said he was ‘ very anxious indeed ’ to discover ‘ the feelings ’ of the victim ‘ in relation to the disposal of the accused 's case ’ if she were prepared to assist .
21 The whole significance of that Budget was that it was designed to eliminate the need for , or the risk of , the monetisation of debt as a result of the level of Government expenditure in relation to the level of the national product .
22 Increasingly the fate of Oscar Wilde has been analysed in relation to the construction of the modern homosexual along lines suggested by Michel Foucault .
23 Lewes contends that , whereas these gynaecophobic tendencies were from the start challenged by women analysts , the same could not occur in relation to the homophobia of the discipline since homosexuals were systematically excluded from it , with the result that ‘ the psychoanalytic discourse on homosexuality has been and still is formulated by non-homosexuals about homosexuals ’ ( The Psychoanalytic Theory of Male Homosexuality , 21 , 237 — 8 ) .
24 Once again , the male homosexual is someone who refuses to risk himself in relation to the other , but now the risk is not in relation to the opposite sex ( as in Scruton and Mailer ) , but to the same sex as rival .
25 Once again , the male homosexual is someone who refuses to risk himself in relation to the other , but now the risk is not in relation to the opposite sex ( as in Scruton and Mailer ) , but to the same sex as rival .
26 In other words , to be metaphysically identified was simultaneously to be socially positioned — the subject in relation to the prince , the woman in relation to the man , and so on .
27 In other words , to be metaphysically identified was simultaneously to be socially positioned — the subject in relation to the prince , the woman in relation to the man , and so on .
28 I call this ‘ transgressive reinscription ’ , a concept elaborated shortly in relation to the transvestite .
29 Frequently in this period the representation of the man — man — woman triangle suggests that the desire which bonds men over women is as erotically invested for the men in relation to each other as for each of them in relation to the women .
30 My own study is indebted to Fanon 's analysis of how discrimination is internalized psychically and perpetuated socially between subordinated groups , classes , and races — what , in relation to the latter , he calls ‘ the racial distribution of guilt ’ ( Black Skin , 103 ) ; also to his realization of the way the demonizing of the other is , above all , a mercurial process of displacement and condensation , so fluid yet always with effects of a brutally material , actually violent kind .
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