Example sentences of "in order that their " in BNC.

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1 Another will be that teachers cheat in order that their children perform well in the test .
2 The question then would be how unions assessed the costs and benefits and whether they would want to pressure management to bear this cost in order that their members could enjoy the benefit of higher job satisfaction — possibly at the expense of their receiving lower wages .
3 In short , although it is an oversimplification , I am suggesting that workers develop solidarity , or a bounded culture and protect their own boundaries as a group in order that their primitive fears can be allayed .
4 But he also believed that Christian apologetics needed to be explicated in order that their meaning could be made clearer to us .
5 Thus , right-wing politicians will use the image of irrationally violent Nazis , in order that their own policies on race will appear reasonable by contrast ( Billig , 1982b ) .
6 ‘ If this matter rested solely upon the question of the best interests of the children I should have no doubt whatever that their welfare would be better served by their remaining in England in order that their future be determined by the High Court here .
7 The individual piece-parts can be drawn on to separate layers of a working drawing in order that their movement can be visualized from any number of positions and orientations .
8 They were quite aware that in many cases the men were , in a friendly manner , constantly trying to outwit them , in order that their gain might be greater — at the expense , of course , of the mine .
9 The logic of this passage from Lord Diplock 's speech clearly requires that judges , when having regard to previous comparable awards , should ascertain from the appropriate table of retail indices what has been the decrease in the value of money since the date of a particular comparable award in order that their award " in the money of the day " may be truly comparable in real terms with the earlier award .
10 She saw washing swaying lazily in the breeze , balconies spilling with china-blue jacaranda blossoms , birdcages strung beneath eaves in order that their feathered occupants could enjoy the air .
11 DURING the next six weeks Scotland are pledged to find the right blend in order that their assault on the Rugby World Cup Sevens at Murrayfield does not self-destruct .
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