Example sentences of "in child ['s] homes " in BNC.

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1 There are also conspired encounters , where the neighbourhood police make a special point of visiting certain people , such as shopkeepers , and especially those new to the area , security guards in shopping centres , pensioners , especially those without the security of living in old-people 's homes , youngsters in children 's homes , and RUC widows in the vicinity .
2 The key worker system was introduced in children 's homes in the 60 's and 70's .
3 Had he been in children 's homes ?
4 The 200-page report of the Warner Inquiry , set up after Beck 's conviction , is expected to prompt an immediate clampdown on the present recruitment procedure used for care workers in children 's homes .
5 Young people in care in North Wales are being deterred from making complaints about abuse because of an alleged lack of progress in investigating allegations of widespread physical and sexual abuse in children 's homes in the 1970s and 1980s , it has been claimed .
6 But we know children can be at risk from even well-qualified professionals appointed to care for them ( not least in children 's homes to which they have been sent for their own welfare and safety ) , or from parents not burdened by a ‘ learning difficulty ’ label ( witness the recent ‘ home alone ’ cases here and in the United States ) .
7 There are several black children who have grown up in children 's homes with purely white staff , and others who have been placed with white families who are isolated geographically and have no contact with black people ( Gill and Jackson , 1983 , p. 134 ) .
8 The composition by age of children in children 's homes had always included some adolescents but they had never been together in such large numbers before .
9 Staff in these homes , particularly those who had committed much of their working lives to children in children 's homes , were distressed and confused by these changes .
10 The fact that at least half of the children who waited in long-term care were in children 's homes became the more powerful message .
11 The guidance also covers the extent staff may go to in touching and comforting young people in children 's homes .
12 Erm it 's now some years since the Board departed from most of its work with erm in children 's homes , I think we have only one children 's home now operating in Stonehaven .
13 The long overdue government guidelines on restraint in children 's homes may have to be re-drafted .
14 The SSD had hoped to persuade the SSI to send a circular letter to all directors listing the 20 to 30 people who worked in children 's homes between 1976 and 1989 when Beck abused children ( news , 18 March ) .
15 The tragic consequences of young people involved in care crime again stimulates calls for greater ‘ control ’ in children 's homes , which after 15 years of working in this field I , and many of my colleagues , agree with .
16 A significant number have been brought up in children 's homes themselves .
17 They do n't have dungeons in children 's Homes .
18 Will the hon. Gentleman investigate the levels of remuneration paid to those who work in children 's homes ?
19 To ask the Secretary of State for Health whether he will make a statement on the abuse of children in children 's homes in Leicestershire .
20 The inquiry 's terms of reference will be ’ to examine selection and appointment methods and criteria for staff working in children 's homes and to recommend improvements ; and to make such further examination as the committee may consider justified of management or other issues relevant to the protection of children and young people and to the support and guidance of staff in such homes . ’
21 I am sure that my right hon. Friend will agree that we should be grateful to the vast majority of staff who work in children 's homes and who deal daily with children who , almost by definition , are difficult and disturbed .
22 This process is complicated by the differences in salary , qualification and experience which exist between field social workers who hold legal responsibility for such children and their residential colleagues who provide care for those children who are placed in children 's homes .
23 The decree , which was welcomed by the German government , did not , however , allow for the extradition to Germany of the colony 's founder , Paul Schaeffer , a Baptist pastor already wanted by Interpol on charges of sexually abusing children in a religious community and in children 's homes .
24 The thirteen children who developed schizophrenia could be characterised by the following factors : their birth had been relatively difficult ( longer and more complicated than average ) ; most of them had been separated from both parents and many placed in children 's homes at a young age ; they posed a disciplinary problem to their teachers ; and some years earlier they had had a rapid autonomic nervous system ( ANS ) recovery rate .
25 It is a scheme that is er , an alternative to placement in children 's homes , for adolescents with severe behavioral and emotional difficulties , erm , whereby er , specialist er , foster parents er , are , are , recruited , they are extensively trained , and er , have the willingness to take on what are difficult and challenging youngsters and er , who are placed with them .
26 We do n't think we do n't think that the citizens of are doing cartwheels at sixty four thousand pound being spent on a benefit bus to tour round this district and certainly if the festival organisers two years ago could commit themselves to breaking even within two years and were happy with that , why have we spent two hundred and forty thousand pound on a festival in when that money , and that 's four hundred thousand pounds worth of money , could have been spent on the salaries and training of our officers who work in children 's homes .
27 No , we did n't sack anybody who worked in children 's homes , we did n't sack anybody who was at the front line of s services and we certainly did n't expect other people to pay for our circus tickets .
28 of our officers who work in children 's homes , we did n't sack anybody who was at the front line of s services and we certainly did n't expect other people to pay for our circus tickets .
29 A report claims Police incompetence delayed the capture of the child abuser , Frank Beck in children 's homes .
30 Mary Newport , who spent her life in children 's homes and with foster parents , met up with three sisters she never knew she had .
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