Example sentences of "in a [adj] period " in BNC.

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1 When Souness admits his players had Spartak on their minds at Spurs on Saturday , and when Ray Clemence says Liverpool are in a transitional period , you know they have problems .
2 The incidence rate measures how many new cases of a disease appear in a given period , whereas the prevalence rate measures how many cases in total exist , either at one point of time ( the point prevalence rate ) , or in a fixed period ( the period prevalence rate ) .
3 There are situations where the reciprocal of a rate would make more sense than the original rate : ergonomists , for example , might find it more natural to look at the time it takes a person to produce a fixed number of items rather than at the output a person produces from a machine in a fixed period of time .
4 For example , a doctor may be able to see more patients each hour and he may be being more efficient by seeing more people in a fixed period of time .
5 Some of the descriptions of working-class life had been so strange , so remote from the Oswaldston that Greg had come to know , as to seem to belong to a foreign land , in a remote period of history .
6 The next chapter , however , had him going to Grimsby University , ‘ to keep the torch of literature alive in a dark period ’ .
7 This forced the Central Bank , in a 10-day period up to Sept. 13 , to buy $800,000,000 in US dollars , to prevent Brazilian exports being priced out of the market .
8 They must prove to Thadeus that they 're here to destroy what he hates , and they 've got to do this in a reasonable period of time .
9 However , the importance of the semantic analyser relative to the other modules constitutes a narrower issue and one that can be investigated in a reasonable period of time .
10 On the one side ‘ safe ’ operations are unlikely to produce the high returns that will be needed in a prolonged period of financial stringency .
11 ‘ Ordinarily I would have commented in some detail about our business , but can not do so at this time as we are in a closed period prior to the announcement of our 1992 results on 24 March ’ .
12 But a study of the distribution of the hoards deposited in a well-documented period such as the English Civil War has shown that both of these assumptions are incorrect ( fig. 27 ) .
13 Like everyone else 's in this period , his life became one of monotony and anxiety , caught in a middle period when pre-war life seemed unreal and post-war life unimaginable .
14 Hewitt and Burton ( 1971 ) analysed the record for southwestern Ontario and found that in a 50-year period there would be 1 severe drought , 2 major windstorms , 5 severe snowstorms , 8 severe hurricanes , 10 severe glaze storms , 16 severe floods , 25 severe hailstorms and 39 tornadoes .
15 In a three-week period , the company logged 5,600 lust-in-denim calls .
16 The survey disclosed that in a three-week period , 309 vessels had passed through the firth and that 94 had refused to identify themselves .
17 As we have already discussed , bright light acts as a time-cue in humans and so might be helping patients not only because it fell in a critical period ( though how this might work is still not known ) , but in addition , or instead , because it adjusted the body clock and so removed a conflict of timing between the patient 's body clock and his sleep/wake rhythm .
18 ONE of your contributors recently stated that we were now in a post-apartheid period .
19 Here is a market place in a certain town , in a certain period , with the inhabitants setting about their daily tasks as the sun rises .
20 It is necessary , in other words , to establish a clear distinction between an existence as it was lived in the prewar period , and an existence as it was mythically reproduced in a postwar period .
21 The worms are ovo-viviparous the L1 being passed in the faeces ; these penetrate the foot of the molluscan intermediate host , and develop to L3 in a minimum period of 2-3 weeks .
22 Government policy and company policy alike have to take a view of long term trends and possibilities , particularly in a future period that may see the UK 's decline as an oil exporter .
23 They 're in a crucial period and you can help see them safely through it .
24 However little detailed research has been undertaken into how these innovations were developed and implemented , and this project will make use of the unique Company Archive of the Thomas cook organisation to investigate the detailed circumstances of product development in a crucial period of the Company 's development from 1850 to 1939 , during which the foundations of the modern tourist industry were laid .
25 The producers who supervise Radio 1 sessions tend to be musicians who are used to coaxing good performances out of young bands in a limited period of time .
26 in a four-year period — I have also included provisions to enable work on the A77 Ayr road route to start within the planning programme period .
27 Doors and bolts had been fixed , but in a three-month period it was said that ‘ 14 dozen locks ’ had been broken , the children had burned down the door , and even iron gates had not stopped them from gaining access to the roof and throwing stones on people below .
28 Her research showed that more than 200 prescriptions for such drugs were issued in a three-month period .
29 A Home Office report of 1981 on racial attacks estimated the rates of racially motivated incidents per 100,000 of the population at 1.4 for whites , 51.2 for West Indians and Africans , and 69.7 for Asians in a three-month period .
30 A study in one polytechnic found that 11% of the bookstock was in circulation , while in another two samples taken from law and the humanities revealed that three issues per volume was the average use per annum , and that two-thirds of the items were loaned in a two-year period .
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