Example sentences of "in situation [Wh adv] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The picture I am trying to convey , and it is one which is borne on me with passionate intensity almost every time I enter a primary school class , is of rigid and often unsuitable instruments ( the centralised curriculum plan , textbooks , methods of assessment ) imposed in situations where they do not apply or where they apply only to a small number of individuals within a group .
2 We are able to get to rabbits in situations where they have few enemies , where they are generally safe — and they have no sanctuary if we do the work well .
3 Another argument was that the payment of lesbian and gay workers would create further divisions and hierarchies within the communities , and would place the workers in situations where they had to choose between their loyalty to the community and their loyalty to their funding body .
4 This applies also to sons , even in situations where they are receiving significant financial or practical support from parents , as was the case for some of the interviewees in McKee 's ( 1987 ) study of unemployed men .
5 Managers therefore need — and should seek — to become leaders in situations where they require cooperation ie. not merely compliance by their immediate subordinates .
6 But it may be that an unusual boost at A level could place students in situations where they find themselves uncomfortably out-performanced by their peers .
7 For example , maintenance staff in a hotel can benefit in situations where they need to talk constantly to another member of staff located in a separate part of the hotel , such as while they are repairing and testing lighting or heating .
8 It seems to be shown in situations where we have been disadvantaged .
9 All of us , whatever our walk of life , are frequently in situations where we want to persuade someone or , in other words , influence someone to do what we want them to do ( eg a salesperson trying to persuade a buyer or a negotiator trying to persuade another negotiator ) .
10 What we want to know is how to use that assertiveness in situations where we do n't know the rules . ’
11 Fifthly , although the fact is often overlooked by philosophers , we commonly talk of causes in situations where we are attempting to explain some event and have not yet done so .
12 And we 've all been in situations where we 've walked into an area , whether it be , sort of a car park is poorly lit , or you 've gone down a lane that 's perhaps been overgrown by bushes and things like that we generally do n't feel as confident .
13 Sensitivity to public relations is not a quality which accompanies the Rambo self-image , and sergeants sometimes avoid placing the policemen who live out this imagery in situations where their insensitivity can damage public perceptions of the police .
14 Some extension microphones are superdirectional ; these are used in situations where their high selectivity is needed to record sound in difficult conditions .
15 That would lead to a situation where more assistance passes between women than between men even in situations where their ‘ needs ’ are more similar than in the examples I quoted above .
16 Fire brigade personnel are not put at risk in situations where their means of access and fire fighting is at a disadvantage .
17 In the context of section 39(2) this might include ‘ accompanying the child in situations where it would be unsafe for the child to go to school unaccompanied ’ , where the child did live ( only just in this more recent case ) within ‘ walking distance ’ .
18 ‘ Where children are given responsibility they are placed in situations where it becomes important for them to communicate — to discuss , to negotiate , to converse — with their fellows , with the staff , with other adults .
19 Moreover , children gave precedence to the matching rule in situations where it conflicted with another rule .
20 The sales-task approach to advertising expenditure can be particularly useful in situations where it is possible to state clearly defined objectives for advertising eg ‘ to increase awareness of product X in Y market from present levels to ( say ) 70% . ’
21 In situations where you do n't feel OK you can use your Adult to prevent the feelings ‘ surfacing ’ in your overt behaviour and to control your behaviour so that it is conducted on an I 'm OK — You 're OK basis .
22 Now how many of you here have been in situations where you 've been behind a pedal cyclist and you 've been tempted , I 'll not say you 've done it , but you 've been tempted to go past ?
23 To test for this intention we would have to establish whether he would act as he did in situations where he had no reason to believe that he could thereby induce the false belief in question .
24 ‘ The learner can be placed in situations where he must use language as an instrument for satisfying immediate criteria , and where the criterion for success is functional effectiveness rather than structural accuracy . ’
25 The salesperson should open with a smile , a handshake and , in situations where he or she is not well known to the buyer , introduce himself and the company he represents .
26 In situations where there seems to be little acceptable alternative , advice from an alternative practitioner can do little harm , and has potential for considerable good .
27 Negotiation is used in situations where there is some room for manoeuvre .
28 ( b ) By applying natural justice in situations where there was " a right , an interest , a legitimate expectation of being granted a hearing " Per Denning M.R. in Schmidt v. Secretary of State for Home Affairs ( C.A. , 1969 ) .
29 In situations where there is a collective rationality there is likely to be a conflict of interest and because different people weigh values in different ways , there is no , rational way of resolving the conflict .
30 Ultimately however , in situations where there is a risk of physical injury to the client , staff member or to another person , there is a clear responsibility on the worker to attempt to avert it .
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