Example sentences of "to [be] beyond [art] " in BNC.

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1 Certainly their substance should be accessible to anyone not so far gone in the contemplation of astrology — a science , so it is widely held , on the cogent grounds that its practitioners use computers — homeopathy , aromatherapy , or telekinesis as to be beyond the reach of reason .
2 In January 1312 , as soon as he felt himself to be beyond the reach of the barons , the favourites were restored .
3 They always seemed to be beyond the next corner or in the next room .
4 ‘ Meaning ’ atheists do not make the claim that language about God is incommunicable either — in their case because they do not regard it as emanating from a philosophical No Go area labelled ‘ metaphysics ’ that is pronounced to be beyond the bounds of sense .
5 As a typical 20-storey building has a frequency of 0.5 hertz , and taller buildings have even lower frequencies , they are likely to be beyond the range of resonance .
6 The introduction of abstract concepts into Social Studies and sometimes into Science syllabuses at a very early stage presupposes a level of cognitive development which Piagetian research would suggest to be beyond the average capacity of Swiss children .
7 The leaping flame of the fire can call to mind strange images , which seem to be beyond the boundaries of normal knowledge .
8 The obstacles to this were largely financial : it was said to be beyond the means of the WWF , let alone the Government of India .
9 ( The fact that this might have been the case seems to be beyond the imagination of many even of liberal disposition in the church . )
10 Should the company do a thing which was outside the scope of the clause it was said to be beyond the company 's powers and ultra vires.At common law an ultra vires act was unlawful and without binding effect and a shareholder could restrain the company from undertaking ultra vires activities .
11 One consequence is that the thought patterns of primitive society , being felt to lack a scientific approach , are generally felt to be beyond the bounds of reason .
12 Accordingly , the guidance given in P P G paragraph three should be followed by including the word normally in the policy requirement and the requirement for the new settlement to be beyond the outer edge of the York greenbelt so as to avoid the greenbelt , with then form part of the locational criteria one .
13 Not least among these is that you have to be beyond the peak of the Laffer curve to begin with .
14 This is provided by the peripheral holes , P. These are some distance downstream from the nose so as to be beyond the region of pressure variation .
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