Example sentences of "to [art] data [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Physically , it looks similar to the Data Discman but weighs about 850 g without the battery .
2 This allowed immediate access to the data base so that reports could be produced rapidly and questions could be answered quickly , thus providing a stimulus to further analysis .
3 If the calls continue , you should complain to OFTEL or to the Data Protection Complaints Office .
4 The full function was applied to the data sets of groups 1 and 2 .
5 The answer can also be obtained by access to the index without recourse to the data storage area .
6 Once personal information gets into such a network it will be difficult if not impossible to restrict access to it ; it could be that such an open system could be justified to the data subject as the latest desirable addition to the role of consumer in the acquisitive society — why not order one 's claret from one 's fireside by the keyboard direct from the château , with instant payment by electronic fund transfer at point of sale , debiting one 's bank account instantaneously ?
7 When it comes to data storage , the second and third of these categories predominate , indeed take over from the first ( to the extent that it becomes important to the data creators that records which challenge or compromise them are destroyed ) .
8 The system would follow different paths ( search trees ) according to the data elements which the user had entered and the results of initial searches .
9 NAS provides for the integration of applications running on multi-vendor systems , from the desktop to the data centre .
10 The storage building blocks are packaged to slide into modular shelving which can then be configured for anything from the desktop to the data centre .
11 The forms were sent to the Data Preparation Bureau and punched cards produced .
12 The opening paragraph of The Autocar 's November 1965 test of a privately owned car ( to much the same spec as our example ) read : ‘ Few readers indeed will get this far before turning to the data page which follows , for the name of AC Cobra is synonymous with performance .
13 Questionnaires received after 8 November are being added to the data file , and revised estimates of key variables will be included in the second interim report In June 1985 , along with information from the planned follow-up study .
14 A statement which puts a byte to the data file whose file handle is the first argument .
15 Fortunately all of the electronics for the servo amplifier is usually contained within custom designed integrated circuits and interested readers should refer to the data sheets and application notes for the Signetics NE 544 , the Plessey ZN 409 and the Exar XR-2264 for further information .
16 So if you press the escape key we 'll go back to the data processing environment , right .
17 Right , so what we 're going to do is create a dummy variable to test that hypothesis , right , so if you press the escape key , right , and work your way back towards erm the data processing sort of environment , so go back to the post regression menu through the backtracking menu erm , when you 're in the backtracking menu , go to option six , which is the process plot edit option right , now press the return key in the data processing menu , right , and that will get you to the data processing environment when we can start messing about with our variables .
18 Right that will take you back to the data processing menu , then you , then you just create a constant call it whatever you like .
19 These forms can be pre-drawn using software tools and their contents automatically added to the data dictionary .
20 However , spatial query tools are intrinsically linked to the data model employed : hence the use of multiple spatial data structures has led to the proliferation of query processors .
21 Inspection of the scatterplot suggested that it would be worth trying to fit a line ; the task is to find one which will come as near as possible to the data points .
22 A Richards function was fitted to the data points using the BMDP package and is shown on the graph .
23 ( a ) An operation of the data manipulation Unit is called for ; for example , transfer the numeric value held at store address X to the data manipulation Unit , and add it to the value in the accumulator , or transfer the value in the accumulator to the store and deposit it at address X.
24 Managers and users can give ‘ user feedback ’ to the data analysts and this will also help to tune the model and ensure its accuracy .
25 Having reached the sequence set , there is a pointer to every data record .
26 The seventh principle relates to a data subject 's right to know ‘ at reasonable intervals ’ if personal data is held on him and to have access to such data .
27 Maybe we could put together a questionnaire which would eventually lead to a data base of resources .
28 You can use PRINT# to write data ( numbers and strings ) to a data file in the " standard " manner .
29 Centralised call logging is available , with an algorithm to transport call records to a data processing environment for billing and network planning .
30 As we have already stated , it may be possible to use completed documents directly as input to a data dictionary system so that the data is held in a readily-accessible computer format as well as on paper forms .
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