Example sentences of "to [art] [noun] published " in BNC.

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1 I therefore invite him to express his regret that , according to the figures published by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office last week , United Kingdom support for United Nations development agencies has been cut by 38 per cent .
2 The Anglo-Norman fabliaux had been thoroughly neglected before Nico van den Boogard had a conference paper devoted to the subject published in 1981 .
3 The appraisal of capital schemes is reviewed according to the guidance published in 1982 .
4 The November 11th ‘ West Mercian ’ is the latest to be cancelled and the only one extra to the list published in Journal 1 is on October 21st , ‘ The Welsh Marches Express ’ , Hereford-Shrewsbury-Newport , hauled by 6998 .
5 According to a poll published on May 21st , 54% of the French think Mr Balladur would make a ‘ good president ’ .
6 Its most recent citation is to a work published in 1987 .
7 One person in three would like blasphemy scrapped as an offence — but an equal proportion want it extended to cover all religions , not just Christianity , according to a survey published yesterday .
8 BRITAIN 'S shopkeepers are gloomier than at any time since the early 1980s , according to a survey published yesterday .
9 BRITAIN 'S shopkeepers are gloomier than at any time since the early 1980s , according to a survey published yesterday .
10 ALMOST nine out of ten British businesses believe Britain should become a full member of the European Monetary System , but they are deeply divided about the timing , according to a survey published yesterday .
11 ONE in 20 family doctors does not clean his thermometer between patients , a sure way to spread disease , according to a survey published today .
12 • Starlings , house sparrows and blue tits are the three commonest birds found in the gardens in the UK according to a survey published by the Young Ornithologists Club .
13 Illegal application of pesticides are still killing hundreds of animals every year , according to a survey published by the Ministry of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food ( MAFF ) .
14 Waste dumps are causing pollution in more than 30 Sites of Special Scientific Interest ( SSSIs ) in Britain , according to a survey published by Friends of the Earth .
15 HOUSEHOLDERS face home contents insurance premium rises of up to 78pc , according to a survey published today by the Labour Party .
16 BUSINESS confidence in the European Community fell to its lowest level for a decade last year , according to a survey published yesterday in Brussels by the European Commission .
17 EMPLOYERS are taking a more compassionate attitude towards redundant workers in the face of soaring unemployment , according to a survey published today by the Institute of Directors and Pauline Hyde & Associates .
18 IMPROVED orders have boosted confidence in economic recovery among manufacturers , according to a survey published today by the Confederation of British Industry .
19 FIRED by a 20 per cent surge in oil production , the Scottish economy is expected to grow this year by more than three times the UK average , according to a survey published today by the Stirling-based Mackay Consultants .
20 MOTHER knows best for men when it comes to knotting a tie , according to a survey published today .
21 The report was seen partly as a response to a document published by the UN Economic Commission for Africa ( ECA ) which had criticized the socially destructive effects of World Bank-supported SAPs [ see pp. 36991-92 ] .
22 CRITICISM of the Archbishop of Canterbury in the 1987 Crockford 's Preface was not taken personally by Dr Runcie , who comforted some critics during the row which followed , according to a book published today .
23 According to a book published today , the percentage of Caesarean births at the PMH last year was 3 per cent higher than the national average .
24 Businessmen who support General Noriega have offered a $250,000 ( £156,000 ) reward for the assassination of six of the general 's enemies , according to a letter published yesterday in a pro-government newspaper , AP reports .
25 EIRE 's rapidly growing catering industry still has plenty of room for investment , according to a report published by the country 's National Food Centre .
26 RADIOACTIVE contamination from the Sellafield reprocessing plant extends much further than official surveys suggest , according to a report published by Friends of the Earth today .
27 THE Social Fund — which was intended to target social security on the poorest — has failed , according to a report published today .
28 WOMEN are being held back from top jobs in industry by an ‘ old boys ' network ’ , according to a report published today .
29 Most health chiefs believe the reforms have gone too far and too fast according to a report published yesterday .
30 The new European Community Vat regime , introduced as part of the single market legislation , will generally cost UK companies £100m , according to a report published by Customs & Excise in December .
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