Example sentences of "[num ord] [noun sg] [pers pn] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 On the fourteenth day we moved to a different section of the training building .
2 On my sixteenth birthday I walked into the house with a fag in every orifice ; I was legally old enough to smoke , so , I thought , just try and stop me !
3 The second tactic he regards as an attempt to keep him in line .
4 At Becher 's Brook on the second circuit he put in a stupendous leap , pitched on landing but was confidently gathered together by Champion to continue on his triumphant way , pursued by Rubstic and Royal Mail .
5 Er , I think it would be far better to have a streamlined regulatory system which would make the much cheaper and more efficient and I 'm glad that the honourable gentleman seems to be agreeing and perhaps he could try and persuade his honourable mefem member on the front bench that legislation , primary legislation is needed , I 'm glad to hear he 's working on it erm on on the second on the second point he made about the number of regulations , I 'm not sure I would agree with him that the best way of resolving this problem is to have less regulations er er though I would agree with the general er thrust of what he might be saying and that is that if the regulatory system was to concentrate on promoting higher professional standards and have less emphasis on rules and regulations then I think that would help .
6 In the first volume of ‘ The Impossible Dream ’ Peter King told of the rescue and repair of the Duke taking the story through to 1985 and in the second volume he tells of the return to steam culminating in the blue riband run over the Settle and Carlisle in September 1990 .
7 To the men of the Second Army he declared in a vibrant Order of the Day : ‘ You will be those of whom it will be said — ‘ they barred the way to Verdun ! ’ ’
8 During his second premiership he noticed during a train journey that another occupant of the compartment was looking at him with some puzzlement .
9 Er , he did after a while because there just are n't that many people who run round the N E C who look me in July , but erm , there were conventions earlier in the year , but it , it , you know , I got , actually a very reasonable size of contract out of this man , from that thirty second note I made on the calendar .
10 From the second visit he returned to an England on the verge of war .
11 From small beginnings in the eighteenth century it prospered in the depression after 1814 .
12 When Granpa asked me what I wanted for my fifteenth birthday I replied without a moment 's hesitation , ‘ My own barrow , ’ and added that I 'd nearly saved enough to get one .
13 Shortly after my fourth birthday we moved to a village in Somerset with my father 's employer , a retired lawyer , a bachelor , whose household was presided over by a sister-in-law whose husband had died at about the time of my birth .
14 The first story I wrote as a full-time reporter concerned the death of a local man who had been visiting friends in Indiana and whose remains were being sent back to Moose Jaw for burial .
15 In the first instance it stemmed from an understandable utilization of familiar forms to furnish a reassuring and acceptable face for the new means of locomotion and thus allay the fears of travellers for whom speed was a new and potentially alarming phenomenon .
16 In the first part I argue for the inclusion of gender awareness as a valid dimension of educational analysis of the arts and , as a vehicle for this argument , posit a set of four general criteria which might legitimately be used by arts educators as part of a re-evaluation of the arts curriculum in this regard .
17 The first change they noticed as a result of the Revolution was the indiscriminate and wasteful hacking down of the woods by the peasants : large trees had merely been deprived of their thinner branches .
18 In his first experiment he cut from a sheet of mica a normal hour-glass shaped test-piece ( Figure 6(b) ) .
19 At first glance it looks like a straightforward consequence of overaccumulation ( chapter 11 ) .
20 Landing over the first fence he crashed into the prostrate form of the faller Meon Valley and was brought down .
21 The first piece I wrote for the New Statesman , almost exactly four years ago , began : ‘ People keep asking me , ‘ On what platform will you be standing for deputy leader of the Labour Party ? '
22 At the first rehearsal he played through the Brahms Second and changed nothing .
23 For the first period he took as a starting point his previously arrived figure of forty seven thousand five hundred pounds and as an end point a figure of fifty nine thousand four hundred and twenty one pounds ninety six pence , derived from Mrs .
24 Gatfield is still surprised by the record-buying public 's assumption that the first record they purchase by a new act must be that artist 's first release .
25 At exactly 2100 hours their time on Tuesdays and Thursdays , the DJ will relay any short coded messages in the dedication for the first record he plays on the ‘ Lovers Overseas ’ programme .
26 In my first article I wrote of the ingenuity and imagination I saw in children 's play in Asia .
27 The first teacher I had in the infants was a Miss , she had a bad habit of rapping you across the knuckles with a ruler , and there was a pupil teacher Miss , funny thing about that is she , she , she came up to , Mr came up as headmaster and Miss came as a teacher , she was a pupil teacher it was n't necessary to go to college and get degrees in the , she , she used to be a pupil teacher in the infant school when I was at school , and Miss was actually at the sunshine school when my daughter was going to school .
28 But Fate took a hand , as it has a habit of doing , and the first person I encountered in the hut was Barbara , who was putting the final touches to her make-up before going to the dance herself .
29 He was the first friend I made in the West Riding , when we were both new to the cold Yorkshire wastes .
30 Er , we had a breeders ' meeting in October which was I enjoy them very much , I enjoy the the talk because it 's the first chance I get during the year when I can sit down and listen and I do n't have to worry about them generally , in another club , I do n't have to worry about minutes or anything , I just sit and listen and it 's great it , I really enjoy that .
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