Example sentences of "[num ord] [noun sg] [conj] i [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 MacPhail said : ‘ I twisted my knee early in the second half but I stayed on the field .
2 The first evidence of this surfaced on the second trip that I made to Rhodesia , in April 1971 .
3 I got on the vehicle but the driver had not long been in fourth gear when I came to my senses .
4 He jerked awake as if with a sixth sense as I paused in his doorway and said , ‘ What 's wrong , eh ? ’
5 I have fished all over Scotland but the first place that I came across this system , which is used to distribute available fishing fairly amongst guests , was at Scourie , and it works very well indeed .
6 That was 12 years ago , and after winning the first race that I entered between Sudbury and Bures in a non-racing canoe , I had caught the bug . ’
7 RON HARRIS : ( Chelsea and Brentford- 1961–1983 ) : ‘ People called him Chopper Harris , and Chopper was my first nickname when I went to Wimbledon — before the crowd came up with Psycho for me .
8 I also remember , incidentally , the first letter that I had to erm type , a young chap who was erm shortly called up for service in the Army came in and erm dictated a little letter to me to see how erm , how I got on and erm it was a letter to parents in Halesworth whose daughter had just been er transferred to a grammar school and erm in those days of course the , if the distance was more than three miles the Education Committee er provided a cycle and cape and leggings and erm the object of the letter was to find out the child 's inside leg measurement
9 he used an illustration of the pig , you know you can polish the pig up , you can clean it , you can scrub it , you can oh de cologne it , you can do all sorts of things with it , you can tie a nice pink ribbon around it and you can put it in a palace , but it 's still a pig and it lives like a pig and you can cl and no matter how clean you 've made it , it 'll soon find some dirt to wallow in and the ribbon might make it look nice in the show ground but it does n't make any difference to its nature and so it is with us and so Jesus did n't start on the outside , but he starts at the inside he deals with the route of the problem , in One Corinthians chapter fifteen and in verse three it says for I deliver to you as a first importance , this is the basic thing , he says to them this was the first thing that I said to you because it was the most important that Christ died for our sins , according to the scripture , what ever else Christ gives to us , what ever else he does for us , what ever else the gospel produces , the basic , the most important , the fundamental thing is that Christ died for our sins .
10 His column in the Angling Times was the first thing that I turned to and what a mine of information .
11 the first thing that I do at the beginning of the lesson is one sec
12 Quite often , the first clue that I get to old age anxiety is when a mature dog is referred to me with , what appears to be , an ‘ out of character ’ separation anxiety .
13 Your first problem as I recall from my masterly analysis , is that you have nowhere to live except a hotel that 's rapidly running out of vases .
14 And their of first office as I recall as a little boy , was on the q quay as we used to say in Porthmadog .
15 ‘ But for the first time since I came to England in August 1977 , I 'll be hoping Liverpool do n't win again .
16 The first time that I heard of Maastricht was on 12 May 1940 , when the RAF was shot out of the sky and knocked on the ground .
17 That first visit when I stayed at the Al Ain Hilton seemed in the dim past .
18 Now , I do n't really want to talk about the details of that now , I want to come back to that next term when I talk about incest .
19 It is many years since my last confession and I confess in the face of God and in the hope of his divine mercy at the imminent approach of death . ’
20 ‘ Firstly , I want to play better on our next record than I did on this one ; that always has to be a major goal for me .
21 for example , if you were sacked you can be prepared , not with a feeble-sounding excuse , ‘ The office manager and I did n't hit it off , he was a very difficult man ’ , but with a positive statement , ‘ Yes , the job did n't suit me and I was asked to leave but I was lucky enough to get a place on a word-processing course so I was much better prepared for my next job and I stayed for two years ’ .
22 On the last occasion that I spoke to Lady More , our President , she gave me permission to reprint this extract from the book .
23 I took some yesterday , I was and I took some last night before I went to bed and I took two this morning .
24 I dreamed last night that I sat by a fire with Grandmother & my brother & when I woke up I still felt my brother 's hand .
25 We have owls in our garden ; they cried softly last night as I lay in my glass coffin , Snow White waiting for the fairy to wake her into feminism with a kiss .
26 Well the Jehovah 's Witnesses come in last week before I come off work , must have been Thursday , they said you have n't seen window cleaner lately have you ?
27 ‘ I saw Everton more times in the last few months of last season than I have for a long time . ’
28 ‘ My dearest darling , I do n't know whether I should be writing this to you , but I still think of you every day of my life , first thing when I wake up and last thing before I go to sleep .
29 I enjoyed Amanda Archibald 's articles in the last newsletter and I agree with her that the British government and people ( especially the arts and media ) have failed to build pride and patriotism in young people .
30 Tell you what we 'll do that next time because I want to practice some numbers now .
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