Example sentences of "[num ord] [noun sg] [adv] be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The first is where the whole of the programme is provided by and taught at a major centre , as in the case of Bristol Polytechnic ; the second is where the first year is provided extra-murally at a number of associated centres , while the second year only is provided at the main centre , as the case of Portsmouth Polytechnic ; and the third is where both the first and second years are provided at the main and associate centres as at Plymouth Polytechnic and Cornwall Technical College , Camborne .
2 In the late 19th century both were seized by a modernising nationalism , which in time got out of hand , producing belligerent fascism .
3 The coinage of the Amphictions at Delphi in the late fourth century BC was struck from a quantity of bullion whose approximate size is known from an inscription .
4 In Bucharest as in Pyongyang , it may well be that severe repression can in the first instance only be challenged by a well-aimed bullet .
5 In Bucharest as in Pyongyang , it may well be that severe repression can in the first instance only be challenged by a well-aimed bullet .
6 While these discoveries illustrated remarkably well the period of the greatest renown and prosperity of Aphrodisias ( between late Hellenistic times and the early Byzantine era , i.e. , first century BC to the seventh century AD ) , archaeological evidence for a long prehistory dating back to the fifth millennium BC was recorded in excavations of two habitation mounds , or höyük , located at the heart of the Roman city .
7 The first church here was built by Adão Gonçalves Ferreira ( son of Gonçalo Ayres Ferreira who came to the island with Zarco ) .
8 Older senses survived , too ; and , under the impact of Romanticism , ‘ popular songs ’ could in the nineteenth century also be thought of as synonymous with ‘ peasant ’ , ‘ national ’ and ‘ traditional ’ songs . ’
9 Most notable of all , the German universities from the early nineteenth century onwards were founded on a conception of inquiry , and of educational development , in which the student took centre stage .
10 Lead ingots from Phylakopi , Melos and Aghia Irini , Kea , the three votive lead boats from an Early Cycladic grave on Naxos , the use of lead for small figurines and bracelets as well as for rivets used in mending pots , all go to suggest that the silver used in the Aegean during the third millennium B.C. was derived from galena ores .
11 Hence the marginal value to consumers of another film exceeds the marginal value of the last meal currently being produced by the resources that would be necessary to make another film .
12 A Pylian warship of the twelfth century BC is shown on a vase painting to have high ‘ castles ’ at each end connected by a raised gangway along the centre .
13 I refer to Spitting Image ( ITV ) , which last time round was held in check until the polls had safely closed , but this time was allowed an outing on Wednesday while the electorate were still technically making up their minds .
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