Example sentences of "have entered into the " in BNC.

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1 WITH its name rooted in the Greek for a dwarf lion , the chameleon has entered into the realms of metaphor , describing anyone who is prone to changing their opinion .
2 The Daily Mail has entered into the OTC market 's spirit of enterprise , but has qualified this with constant awful warnings about licensed dealers and their stocks .
3 A revelation of beauty has entered into the one person , but not the other .
4 ‘ that a person who has entered into the contract may either affirm or avoid such contract after the duress has ceased ; and if he has so voluntarily acted under it with a full knowledge of all the circumstances he may be held bound on the ground of ratification , or if , after escaping from the duress , he takes no steps to set aside the transaction he may be found to have affirmed it . ’
5 He has entered into the contract with his eyes open to the true facts ; the statement itself will not have influenced him .
6 That they were also impossible as a basis for the next and crucial stage of the Industrial Revolution could have entered into the judgment only of the most prescient .
7 The House of Lords held that for the directors to have been negligent in taking this course they would have had to have been ‘ cognisant of circumstances of such a character , so plain , so manifest , and so simple of appreciation , that no men with any ordinary degree of prudence , acting on their own behalf ’ would have entered into the transaction .
8 Since the Vendor will have entered into the relevant contracts in the first place it is for the Vendor to take the risk as saying whether or not the contracts fall within these categories .
9 Yes I think that may be right my Lord , indeed er if we succeed on the way out , get get out of the contract point then of course the plaintiff 's case is that they would have taken that advice and would not have entered into the contract a and therefore on that basis they are entitled to be compensated on the basis that all the losses they unnecessarily incurred by having , being forced to complete , should be recoverable , subject to er litigation of loss and .
10 It is , for example , little use when recording a chemical spill into an Egyptian river to have entered into the appropriate field ‘ the Nile ’ — after all , this river is some 6480 km long !
11 Many of them by now had been in Malta for several months … and ever since Italy had entered into the war , these boys , often in obsolete aircraft , had carried out bravely and unquestioning , any task that they had been called upon to perform .
12 She had entered into the union for her own reasons and she had taken her marriage vows with no thoughts other than to be a dutiful wife to him and to give him the happiness he deserved .
13 Describing Gloucester 's subsequent attack on the Woodvilles , More continues : ‘ [ Gloucester and Buckingham ] said that the lord marquis had entered into the Tower of London and thence taken out the king 's treasure and sent men to the sea .
14 The United Kingdom 's argument was that the Company had entered into the agreement on behalf of the United Kingdom as part of that State 's obligations towards the settlement of the dispute .
15 When Virgin had entered into the deal , the dollar rate stood at 1.45 to the pound .
16 These would be examples 1 and 4 , where the party who carried the plaintiff 's goods had also issued the bill of lading or had entered into the freight contract with the shipper , whether or not the shipper was the plaintiff .
17 Describing Gloucester 's subsequent attack on the Woodvilles , More continues : ‘ [ Gloucester and Buckingham ] said that the lord marquis had entered into the Tower of London and thence taken out the king 's treasure and sent men to the sea .
18 11.2 undertakes , during the continuance of this Agreement , to provide directly or indirectly an efficient and effective help line to deal with fault calls relating to the Licensed Software made by end-users who have entered into the Software Licence Agreement described above .
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