Example sentences of "have heard a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 No one who has heard a 3-year-old , lately able to utter only single words , saying things like ‘ The difficulty with me is , I do n't want to go to bed ’ , or ‘ it looks to me as if my brother has been at it ’ can fail to toy with a Chomskian or Cartesian notion of innate ideas , the deep structures of language being in us from before birth .
2 They were n't interested in her war story , they 'd heard a million war stories .
3 A.Q. : Towards five-thirty this morning , having just got back from the flower market , I was working in the front quarters of my shop when I got the idea I 'd heard a funny noise just outside the window …
4 Had he paused before taking up his pen , and listened to the ghost of Jeeves , he would certainly have heard a deprecatory cough and the chilling words : ‘ I would scarcely advocate it , sir . ’
5 He would never understand how she could memorize all those complex , impossibly long poems , yet forget the words of a simple song she must have heard a thousand times or more .
6 If the hon. Gentleman had participated in our debates in Committee , he would have heard a wide range of differing views and opinions expressed by the various parties in Northern Ireland — and , to some extent , by people within the same party .
7 Nevertheless it is a remarkable tribute to the perseverance and courage of the participants that the ceremonial proceedings were concluded , although no one could have heard a single word of what was spoken into the gale and blown back .
8 The streets may not have been nearly so safe as nostalgia for ‘ Old England ’ suggests , but it is likely that if working-class youths had been firing off guns throughout London , then we would have heard a little bit more about the matter .
9 He had heard a heated exchange between Day and William Tidbury while they were in custody at Newbury .
10 And the singing of birds I had heard a thousand times , thrushes , blackbirds in our London garden , I heard as if I had never heard them before .
11 It was the Reverend Baron who pointed out to his landlady that her husband and his employers , about whom he had heard a great deal , would be lucky to get back to Florence ‘ before war really takes hold ’ .
12 It goes without saying that he was deeply interested in Factota Limited — and in the girls themselves , of whom he had heard a great deal from Roger Kenyon , who was his friend .
13 I told him that I had heard a great deal about his sister .
14 Mary Lennox had heard a great deal about Magic in her Ayah 's stories , and she always said what happened almost at that moment was Magic .
15 On June 14 the court had heard a written testimony from Prime Minister Felipe González in which he denied any knowledge of the creation of the GAL .
16 In that case it was held that a journalist lacked standing for an order ( of mandamus ) that the chair of the justices should reveal the names of the magistrates who had heard a particular case , but that he did have standing for a declaration that a policy of not disclosing the names of justices who heard certain types of cases was contrary to the public interest and unlawful .
17 Before I had heard a dozen words , I was trembling with fear .
18 During our ‘ inspection tour ’ I had heard a fair amount of noise from the garden , and now Miss Sowerby announced , ‘ There 's half a dozen patients , Doctor , including one who 's hurt his head badly . ’
19 To which she replied that she had been sound asleep , that she had heard a desultory conversation , but its substance had nothing whatever to do with her .
20 I had heard a few comments , such as : ‘ Oh !
21 Lugh had heard a few extremely surprising tales about Her Majesty and Fergus , but he had not gossiped , because Longhands did not gossip .
22 ‘ The Missus ’ was about as inappropriate a soubriquet for Onyx Muggeridge as could be imagined , and Mike Pumfrey , who had heard a few scraps about her already , registered this .
23 Erm there 's another one that a lot of came up with one or two had heard a few before and they all groaned and then accused you of making them all up !
24 From the hut behind them they had heard a single shot .
25 Already I 've heard a Finnish businessman say in The Palace restaurant ‘ Those Goddamn Yanks are coming . ’
26 And sir the other strand which we 've heard a good deal about has been the nature of the vegetative screen which occurs between D thirty nine and D forty on the one hand , and land to the north of it on the other .
27 Erm sir I I think this is clearly You 've heard a great deal about this
28 ‘ I 've heard a funny story and I 'm ringing to ask you if there 's any truth in it .
29 We 've heard a little bit of , about the Three-Ninetieth Group and we could go on and on because it certainly is indeed er historic organization .
30 They 've heard a relieving fleet 's on the way . ’
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