Example sentences of "have come into his " in BNC.

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1 A few lines earlier ‘ wonder ’ has come into his eyes at the mention of Lothlórien .
2 The notoriously media-shy financier has come into his own in the last ten years as one of the most successful behind-the-scenes advisors in the British art world .
3 In other words , once the magazine has come into his possession , the man as it were acquires the right to treat the images on its pages in whichever way he chooses .
4 The forensic scientist — as distinct from the forensic pathologist — has come into his own .
5 Surely Landor 's lines about Ianthe ought to have come into his head if he could have remembered them .
6 The reason for the exultation , the explanation of how this sense of craving had been mollified and a sense of sexual peace bestowed on the lyrics was simple : Marianne had come into his arms ; that golden apparition of loveliness , that lithe , sensuous , intelligent being of intuition and sympathy ; a gift of the gods to rank — and outrank — anything so far told in the surrounding mythology of his adopted Greek homeland !
7 Rufus , yes , and Shiva sometimes and Shiva with Vivien , but it was a year since Zosie had come into his sleep and materialized before him .
8 If she had come into his mind he had operated his cancelling switch as he did when any of the denizens of Ecalpemos strayed into his thoughts .
9 Between the date of Meehan 's conviction and his appeal a month later , Nicky told me , he had an astonishing piece of luck in that there had come into his possession a tape-recording of an interview with Griffiths taken some time previously for a programme the BBC had made at Gartree prison .
10 Furthermore , in an attempt to reward men for military service and to encourage others to serve in France , Henry had pursued a policy of granting lands and titles which had come into his hands , thereby creating an important interest , other than his own , in the extension and maintenance of the conquest .
11 Even before Chris had unfolded the note he had looked at Joe and some colour had come into his pale face .
12 On the other hand , in the Spycatcher case Lord Goff decided that Peter Wright had a lifelong duty not to disclose confidential information that had come into his possession as an officer of the Secret Service .
13 In fact — ’ an ominous gleam had come into his dark gaze ‘ — after avoiding the issue these last few days , I 'm tired of prevaricating .
14 An undue pressure of interest had come into his tone ( almost as if he were interested in the position himself ) , but Mrs Seymour-Strachey did not notice .
15 He had come into his earldom only two years ago , very shortly after the scandal which had sent Dunbar storming over the border into England in dudgeon , and asking for a safe-conduct to King Henry 's court ; for the old earl had died very soon after the coup on which he had staked so much , leaving this new Archibald Douglas to step into his shoes .
16 He was n't just pontificating , he was n't just starting out things he thought about , he and and , ideas that had come into his head , he spoke as one who had authority and because of that they heard him .
17 Failure to think positively means that negative thoughts have come into his mind .
18 Erm and what is it that 's come into his mind in a great rush in this part of the poem
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