Example sentences of "have shown a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is apparent that the new top management has taken to heart the gravity of this catastrophe and the company has shown a determination to put its house in order .
2 The volume of beer sold through Greenall 's pubs over the last couple of months has shown a fall on 1988 levels , said the group financial director , Mr Michael Davis , as he unveiled profits up 10.5 per cent to £52million for the year to September .
3 Birds have been noted regularly into April , and sea-watching has shown a passage in March and April , which is sometimes also reflected on inland waters .
4 For the past century , the global chemical industry has shown a tendency to arrange itself as a cosy club , and ICI has fitted the pattern .
5 You should try to prevent this situation arising , possibly by exercising the dog on the leash for a day or so if it has shown a tendency to behave in this fashion in the past .
6 The Commission is outside a sensible structure of democratic accountability and has shown a tendency to impose a Euro-synthesis at micro-level — silly proposals for the nooks and crannies of our life that antagonise the man and woman in the street .
7 Thus no randomised trial with mortality as a pre-specified endpoint has shown a benefit of heparin as sole adjunctive therapy for thrombolysis .
8 Furthermore , patency studies provide inconsistent evidence of efficacy , and no trial has shown a benefit of intravenous heparin over aspirin in adequate doses .
9 ‘ This Government , since Mr Major became Prime Minister , has shown a disposition to alter policies .
10 ENGLAND flew to Poland yesterday with reliance placed in a defence that , like Bobby Robson , has shown a talent for confounding the critics .
11 For a man painted as a heartless thug last week , Blissett himself has shown a lot of character .
12 ‘ He has shown a lot of patience and he did OK against Bristol .
13 ‘ He has shown a lot of guts to get back after so long .
14 Within AEA itself , an accident costing scheme has shown a failure of a lifting cable on a reach truck to have cost the company £4234 , and a crane cable failure ( 25kg weight ) £114 651 .
15 Beer consumption in the early 1980s has shown a decline .
16 Tuberculosis , for which no vaccine is available , has shown a decline similar to whooping cough , as has scarlet fever which seemed to ‘ burn itself out ’ .
17 In a post-imperial age it has shown a vitality more than sufficient to live to itself .
18 Although the UK figures would have shown a fall in income without the rapid increase in corporate recovery work ( up 31% to £40.1m ) , growth in the rest of Europe was stronger in the traditional areas of audit and business advisory services ( up 12% to £274m ) and tax consultancy ( up 8% to £93m ) .
19 Some archaeologists , irrespective of their scepticism over Ivan Koltsov 's announcement , have expressed concern that Pravda should have shown a map of the underground areas , and that Koltsov publicly described seeing local boys playing with ancient gold goblets which they had supposedly found in the underground passages .
20 Now if the polymer had been crystallizable the curve of the specific volume against temperature would have shown a discontinuity at the melting point as in Figure 3.12 .
21 It was alleged that the accounts should have shown a turnover of £2.19m and not £23.69m and that bills of exchange for £2.39m ( referred to as the ‘ Gimco ’ bills ) , included as ‘ bills receivable ’ , should have been treated as irrecoverable .
22 I think they 've got off the ground and they 've shown a lot of initiative .
23 Stone recurrences in five patients are believed to be the result of residual stones as they reformed by the six month follow up examination and each of the post procedure contrast studies had shown a filling defect in the neck of the gall bladder or cystic duct .
24 Fiver , as he listened , had shown a mixture of intense absorption and incredulous horror .
25 Of course Cagney was a marvellous showman and that was precisely the point , for audiences had shown a predilection for zest and sharpness and a new kind of urban charm and Hollywood was quite prepared to exploit these qualities in its own way .
26 The term ‘ Cubism ’ had become common usage in the press after the opening of the Salon des Indépendants , although Apollinaire himself had referred to Metzinger , who had shown a painting directly influenced by Picasso , as ‘ the only adept of Cubism strictly speaking ’ .
27 President Bush had reason to use military force to protect Americans because thousands were scattered around Panama and Gen Noriega 's troops had shown a willingness to harass and even kill them , Mr Goldman said .
28 And it seemed to Dalgliesh an ironic twist of fate that it should be he , whom Berowne had shown a disposition to trust , who should now be travelling to begin that inexorable process of violation .
29 Mailer 's press and public appearances over the past few years had shown a tendency , much like everyone else 's , to be a bit — well — paparazzi -orientated .
30 Virgin had shown a profit of more than £11m in the last year .
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