Example sentences of "have shown [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 On balance , Williams probably gained more than he lost from his attempt to bring — and keep — together the separate traditions of Marxism and British cultural criticism , though as Parrinder has shown in a sensitive discussion of Williams , he made needless difficulties for himself by abandoning the concept of literature .
2 John Gillis has shown from a study of the London Foundling Hospital that higher servants , such as ladies ' maids , seem to have been particularly vulnerable which may be explained by the contradictions they experienced in attempting to combine customs of courtship and marriage appropriate to women of their class backgrounds with the standards of conduct expected by their employers .
3 Again , dogs themselves had shown through a human medium ( thanks , PRO Dogs ) that they are capable , trustworthy members of society .
4 One , because they were duped by Councillor and his attempts to further his own ambitions and two , because of the complete lack of direction which they have shown as a group under the leadership of Councillor .
5 Sociologists have shown in a variety of bureaucratic and semi-bureaucratic contexts that , beneath the surface of formal rules and procedures , lie structures of informal rules — some of which the participants themselves may not be consciously aware — but which they , nevertheless , use to interpret and make sense of their more formal obligations and duties .
6 Word-list style is a careful style in his terms ( but as we have shown in a number of publications , Labov 's predictions about the stylistic continuum did not work in this divergent-dialect community in the way that they had worked in New York City ) .
7 An attempt could be made to reverse this by increasing the dietary intake of vitamin C , but we have shown in a region of Venezuela with a high incidence of gastric cancer that oral vitamin C supplementation alone is insufficient to increase gastric juice ascorbate concentrations in the presence of H pylori infection .
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