Example sentences of "have all [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I am just sorry it has all ended in this way .
2 The sufferers from alcoholism or any form of drug addiction would therefore be recommended to abstain from : i. all forms of alcohol , including products that contain alcohol ( such as some mouthwashes ) , communion wine that contains alcohol and food prepared with alcohol ( unless it has all evaporated in the process ) .
3 It has all happened in the past and may well happen again — and again — in the future .
4 They 'd all gone to bed the night before when I 'd returned from a last noggin with Harry .
5 K. R. Whenever they had a raid on the Chinese gambling , they took them all in the cells and they all sent out for Chinese meals , and when they 'd all gone to the Main Bridewell in the middle of the night — ‘ 125 , scrub out ! ’ — and I had to take my tunic off and scrub out after the Chinese had been .
6 She 'd been very happy that Sunday , 13 years ago , when they 'd all gone to Adam 's for lunch .
7 Sorry to keep you waiting but the bellman said he thought you 'd all gone to your rooms . ’
8 I kept reminding myself of how much trouble they 'd all gone to . ’
9 They 'd all gone over the side , singing Johnny Lydon 's hit ‘ Who Do You Think You Are Kidding , Mr Galtieri , ’ and 98% of them had n't made it to the beaches .
10 I suppose they 'd all gone in half a minute but it seemed an eternity of fascination and fear to a cringing youth .
11 I seemed to have a separate brain for each limb , but they 'd all broken off diplomatic relations .
12 Sometimes it would be Bessie , Billie , names we 'd all heard before and knew about ; her favourite fistful , the one she would recite just before she got up on stage , was Mae , Marie , Maria , Anna Mae B , La Miss , Marian …
13 Where they 'd all met with their initiation into his flamboyant world of sex .
14 I thought we 'd all agreed at previous meetings that , with minor exceptions , all the major new plants would be located on the continent ? ’
15 there were five red and gold crackers on the starched , white cloth and all the presents were ready in the old pillowcases they 'd all used for years at Christmas .
16 They 'd all got off the bus together ; this one had gone into a truckers ’ cafe for cigarettes and a carton of coffee .
17 Particularly considering the late night we 'd all had on the Saturday . ’
18 The title of Nigel Osborne 's serenade , Albanian Nights , while moist obviously referring to the disguises assumed by Ferrando and Guglielmo while testing their fiancées ' fidelity in Così fan tutte , is also a metaphorical allusion to our own relationship to the music of the past : ‘ We 've got to recognize that we come into Mozart 's world like characters in disguise : we 've all flown in airplanes , driven fast cars , eaten junk food — things he could n't even have imagined .
19 We 've all flown in aeroplanes , driven fast cars , eaten junk food — things he could n't even have imagined ’ .
20 ‘ Had to go and leave my dandelions to look for you , now they 've all gone to sleep . ’
21 ‘ They 've all gone to the funeral , ’ said Lydia .
22 We 've all written to her and sent her parcels to cheer her up . ’
23 We 've all fallen in love with our cover picture this month , and hope you will too — it 's got such a happy , festive feel .
24 ‘ You 've all heard of Industry Year , I suppose .
25 ‘ Parents have to rely on references to gauge their backgrounds , and we 've all heard of cases when references are forged .
26 ‘ We 've come to listen to a very distinguished visitor , Berel Karlinsky , a famous man we 've all heard of .
27 You 've all heard of golf widows .
28 Now , we 've all heard of the tyre company that boasts that it 's fitters are fastest .
29 → Well , when I replied to the very first letter criticising Eric 's apparent tonal excesses , I mentioned the differences that we 've all heard between one Marshall , or Boogie , or Strat , or Les Paul from the next .
30 And Mogg believes that the difficulty of ordering tea in the Waldorf Hotel these days is symptomatic of the decline of an empire , a feeling I 'm sure we 've all experienced from time to time .
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