Example sentences of "[num ord] [noun] he have [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 It was the first place he had come to in his own right , with something to give .
2 lt was almost the first remark he had addressed to me all evening .
3 She had turned on him again that remarkable glance in which for the first time he had detected to his discomfiture a brief flash of intelligence and of calculation .
4 As I had been on the medical side since he came back , this was the first time he had spoken to me , or probably seen me .
5 It was the first time he had spoken to his father since the crisis began , although he had never lost him to sight , not for a moment .
6 The last words he had spoken to me on the subject of kitchen units had been really quite abusive .
7 As Tsar he was inclined to agree with the last person he had spoken to and to authorize wholly incompatible initiatives by different ministers .
8 And that 's the second , third time he 's said to me
9 Annabel had said as much to Father Ross the last time he had come to tea , and Father Ross had looked at her sternly over his glasses , saying that if we all understood the way the Universe was run what would there be left for God to tell us on the Last Day .
10 No more than that , for we were all on renewable annual contracts and Clive never tired of reminding us just how many eager applicants there had been the last time he 'd had to ‘ let someone go ’ .
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