Example sentences of "[num ord] [noun] be [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The fourteenth century was to see a change among the natural leaders of military society from free service in the fulfilment of obligation to service in return for pay or reward .
2 The second defendant was sent a photocopy of the affidavit and he sent it to the defendants ' solicitors for advice in the context of the wrongful dismissal claim .
3 Years later Eliot and his second wife were to live a stone's-throw away .
4 The second method is to use a waiting list so that only those whose condition is mild enough to enable care to continue at home will be admitted .
5 The second method is to add a substitute for lead , such as methanol or methyl tertiary-butyl ether ( MTBE ) .
6 The second way was to find a compound which would compete for or block the inactivating enzyme .
7 In some areas the water was up to four feet high in places and for people who did not want to get wet the task of crossing this water was only possible by two ways , the first being to ask to hitch a lift in one of the high performance tractors which were out being a sort of taxi service and the second option was to catch a lift in either of the boats which also appeared to offer their services .
8 The second stage was to produce a sequence of ideas , and in a genuinely collaborative discussion to which all pupils contributed the sequence in Figure 2.2 was decided upon .
9 The second target is to achieve a set increase in personal deposit balances on such products as current accounts , TESSAs and 90-day accounts .
10 The mountain troop of the 4th Squadron were devising a crib which involved a lifesize figure of the baby Jesus abseiling down a mockup of a cliff face towards a rock grotto containing an edelweiss , the symbolic flower of the German Wehrmacht mountain troops .
11 This is probably a good omen , as our fourth stop was to sup a pint each at The Blind Beggar , the infamous public house where Reggie Kray shot someone for making a homophobic comment .
12 The fourth class was tackling a problem to do with the Muslim Inheritance laws .
13 One of its first acts was to declare a 200-mile zone within which all foreign vessels need licences to fish .
14 It was quite unclear where the money would come from , but the first necessity was to secure a place and preferably an award .
15 His first intention was to become a psychiatrist .
16 Since the object of the session in the first place was to play a part in helping the patient to deal successfully with a problem which has been troubling him , provided the session fulfils that role we do not need to worry unduly about whether it was a real regression experience or not ( although , as I have already stated , I feel quite strongly that the majority of cases are indeed genuine ) .
17 But his first job is to assemble a side before attempting to win promotion at the first attempt .
18 His first move was to build a causeway to the enchanted isle ( Sri Lanka ) , and then place Ravana 's citadel under siege , ripping up trees and toppling walls in mischievous monkey-fashion .
19 Indeed , one of Paul 's first actions was to issue a bull denouncing the alienation of ecclesiastical property , and it was only the considerable diplomatic efforts of Pole that eventually persuaded him to exempt England from its provisions .
20 So first priority was to find a vehicle not out of place at somewhere like Essex .
21 The first mistake is to adopt a form of natural law theory to endow the ‘ moral ’ conventions of international so-called law with a degree of quasi-legal authority .
22 Then , over-confident , he tried a late cut : there was a click , a squeal of joy , and first slip was doing a war-dance .
23 The new government 's first thought was to attempt a revision of the treaties .
24 The first objective was to develop a Pinot Noir clone which could resist the frosts in the Marne valley and thus enable vineyards in this predominantly Pinot Meunier area to be replanted with a more noble variety .
25 The first thing was to find a school for you three — for six months you had had no teaching , except what I could give you , and then kind Miss Budden , the headmistress at Auckland House school , Simla , said she could take you if I could come too and help her nurse about twenty children down with measles in the san. , because Matron was coping with some children with suspected diphtheria in another block .
26 One of Mr Teicher 's first tasks was to write a report in support of an American arms sale to Iran .
27 Obviously the first criteria is to make a profit and in the wave of enthusiasm for a new scheme a balance of potential profit against input of effort needs to be made .
28 The first problem is to find a chef capable of translating your ideas into practice , and also capable of coping with all the various demands to be made of him .
29 The first step is to create a vibration in the diamond so that the carbon atoms are no longer in equivalent positions in the lattice .
30 Assuming that only one company is involved , the first step is to prepare a sketch layout and quantify the house types and prices of the proposed development , to provide a gross financial return .
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