Example sentences of "have just written a " in BNC.

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1 One of their number has just written a book questioning this kind of control and spilling the beans of angst rather as American and British feminist writers did in the Seventies .
2 She has just written a prayer letter and I quote from it .
3 Yeah well I 'm , I 'm gon na try and get the final year lecture for Tuesday sorted actually on Saturday and erm it 's usually , it 's usually Guy but I think I 'm doing it this week , yeah , because I 've got quite a few to do on things like racist in the media and Guy 's mate Dennis has just written a book and he 's given me a manuscript of it and it 's about how racist psychology is which is
4 INTERVIEW / Academician in peril : John Cale , Velvet Underground graduate , has just written an orchestral suite .
5 Gillian Newsum has just written an excellent book about him and we were lucky enough to be offered an extract to whet your appetite !
6 Hang on hang on you 've just written a quarter you said four twelfths .
7 Now , if you can be reasonably precise , erm careful , about what the procedure to be followed is , you 've just written a program .
8 Some said the sport came from the Norsemen , others muttered about the Romans who after all had been in the area for several centuries and left little else but stone , and one literary aficionado had just written a treatise tracing it back in direct line to Jacob 's wrestling with the angel .
9 What was really said on that occasion is not on record but Wilberforce had just written a long review of Darwin 's book in the Quarterly Review and from this it seems clear that the good Bishop was by no means the fundamentalist reactionary which he is commonly supposed to have been .
10 I say wonders will never cease I have just written a receipt for Mrs and I have put it in her envelope and I have written my name in , in on , I 've put from and put my name and crossed out caretaker and put treasurer and I have put underneath we do not have a caretaker so we will see what happens How did , how is it that they got to go back with them ?
11 He 's just written a book about his personal odyssey over them all , entitled In Monte Viso 's Horizon , published by that entirely admirable small publishing house The Ernest Press .
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