Example sentences of "have be suggestion that " in BNC.

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1 Where there has been suggestion that the new ‘ basic cycle ’ will involve shortening the number of years available to children ( in Sierra Leone , the 1973/1974 Educational Review originally suggested a two year cut from 7 to 5 years ) the reaction has been vehement .
2 There had been suggestions that directors had jumped the gun by putting a figure to the fraud before Coopers had completed its report .
3 There had been suggestions that Senna 's car may have lost downforce when running behind the Williams but the video clearly shows that he was n't close enough .
4 There had been suggestions that Dowty 's Abingon based parent group TI , would sell off parts of the company over the next eighteen months .
5 There had been suggestions that he would move on after problems with his choice of selectors .
6 There have been suggestions that they might be given state funding , or that some RCD members in the Chamber of Deputies might resign to allow the other parties a look in .
7 Other ideas stemmed from this original one and there have been suggestions that the reliquary contains other combinations of materials , some with thixotropic properties , including inorganic pigments in castor oil , real blood in a thixotropic honey , or a mixture of spermaceti , ether and red dye which is solid at 10°C but melts with body heat and froths due to the ether , a characteristic noted in the Naples liquefaction .
8 Two student newspapers have run editorials criticising participants in Rag as selfseeking , and there have been suggestions that Rag should contribute to the rent of their offices , currently subsidised by student unions .
9 However , there have been suggestions that Reverend Sharpton deliberately provides such violence by his uncompromising rhetoric , to gain political capital from the forceful backlash .
10 It was not recorded before the year 1610 , and there have been suggestions that it brightened up abruptly at that time , though personally I am sceptical ; it would be a strange coincidence if the Nebula burst into prominence at just the time when mankind invented the telescope !
11 It is very distant , at 18000 light-years , and there have been suggestions that it may be a globular rather than a loose cluster .
12 There have been suggestions that James owed Gowrie a great deal of money , and contrived the incident to rid himself of the debt ; or that he had homosexual designs on the young man , and had murderously silenced him when rejected .
13 Third , there have been suggestions that to avoid the third party problem with respect to the deep seabed the operation of Part XI might be suspended .
14 There have been suggestions that some of these experiences , especially the sequences of geometrical shapes , or flashes , may be the result of discharges from the retina occurring in the absence of any stimulation — the so-called entoptic phenomenon — which can also be observed when the eyes are open in the pitch-dark .
15 Member for Argyll and Bute ( Mrs. Michie ) , there have been suggestions that the Scottish Transport Users ' Consultative Committee should have responsibility in relation to bus services and involvement in the privatisation of the Scottish Bus Group .
16 There have been suggestions that both employers and employees may wish to curtail their involvement with these orders by recruitment policies and withdrawing labour respectively .
17 Furthermore , there have been suggestions that some types of support are effective for some types of stress but not others , and we do not yet know enough about the causal processes involved to be able to explain this ( Gottlieb , 1983 ) .
18 There have been suggestions that is should be replaced by a new law of criminal defamation , which would make it an offence deliberately to publish a serious falsehood .
19 There have been suggestions that centres like this should charge for their services .
20 Fife College has been seen as one of the further education colleges most likely to break through the barrier which separates the sector from higher education , and there have been suggestions that it could become Fife 's second university , after St Andrews .
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