Example sentences of "have be send by " in BNC.

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1 A BOY aged nine has been sent by his local council to a Pounds 20,000-a-year public school to escape playground bullies .
2 Er , the the the er er the fax in the first instance has been sent by a back bench member of this house who is not a minister , but I may tell the honourable gentleman that I get all sorts of things from mail shots inviting me to all er manner of functions , all of which find their way into the waste paper basket .
3 She even managed to convince the man that she 'd been sent by Roman to inspect the goods .
4 But if she 'd been frank from the outset and had admitted to him that she 'd been sent by his stepmother with the plea for him to visit her the result would have been short and sharp .
5 L.G. said it must have been sent by someone in the audience who could write shorthand .
6 Most of these reprints will have been requested by the prospective user , and others will have been sent by authors who recognise that user as being involved within the same specialism , and so such higher use is not unexpected .
7 On one occasion , Soraya saw a gynaecologist who was said to have been sent by Kim Roosevelt .
8 Sadly , the notes referred to money and medicines that had been sent by the family but not received in the prison .
9 Her family were farmers , but she had been sent by her employer to learn the finer points of cuisine and household management from the master chef and the housekeeper at the Savoy .
10 The messenger had been sent by a group of Annan citizens loyal to the Bruce connection ; after all , the late King Robert had been the sixth Bruce Lord of Annandale .
11 But that rescue mission had been stopped dead by the presence of the twenty thousand Frenchmen encamped in Frasnes who had been sent by the Emperor to make sure that the allied armies did not combine .
12 An unknown peasant girl from Lorraine , Joan of Arc , persuaded the dauphin that she had been sent by God to raise the siege .
13 in 1195 , when King Richard Coeur de Lion was at Chinon , no less than fifteen so-called Assassins were apprehended , and confessed that they had been sent by the King of France to kill him .
14 Annie Jameson had been sent by her parents to study singing in Italy , where she married .
15 Mr Brocklebank , who had been sent by his wife to look at the house , reported back .
16 It had been sent by her aunt 's neighbour who reported that Bertha had had an accident .
17 On the following day Iraq radio broadcast details of a memorandum , dated July 15 , which had been sent by the Iraqi Foreign Minister Tariq Aziz to the Arab League Secretary-General Chedli Klibi .
18 A message , therefore , of patient good sense had been sent by Thorfinn to Earl Siward , and a request that Bishop Malduin 's wife and household should be sent to join the Bishop at Kinrimund , where the King would be pleased to defray their expenses pending an agreement on the sponsorship of the Lothian churches .
19 Ell continued to worry about why her husband had been sent by the Academy to the planet .
20 It had been sent by e-mail , transferred to a 3.5 ’ floppy disk and as a source of information was useless without specific software and hardware .
21 In the immediate mode on BBC Micro , all control codes ( with the exception of and U ) are echoed to the micro 's VDU software where they initiate the same functions as if they had been sent by the VDU statement .
22 But Humphreys , who was not legally represented , said the warnings about the chemicals had been sent by fax to a 17year-old trainee at his office who failed to pass them on .
23 There could be no doubt in the mind of John that Jesus had been sent by God .
24 Damp , cold , rot , decrepitude are as ‘ natural ’ in St Ann 's as is the smoky atmosphere : for all most people know , they have been sent by Providence and must be endured .
25 From documents that I have been sent by the senior chief inspector it is clear that the total number of inspectors will be used as follows : 11 will conduct high-profile surveys and focus inspections , six will inspect schools at risk and another 26 will undertake inspections to supplement database evidence .
26 They are Corin and Alleyn , two killers from the clan Chattan : they do not give a donkey 's arse whether you have been sent by the Pope himself ! ’
27 I actually I I intend to believe you actually have been sent by the Jehovah 's Witness to defend the indefensible , it 's a kind of like a and I I y'know , I 'm I 'm sorry but I do n't really think this actually deserves that .
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