Example sentences of "have a particularly [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In respect of the proposals for Selby District , the County Council recognizes that the district has a particularly narrow economic base .
2 Mr Rosoman 's collection has a particularly outstanding collection of plasterwork ( about which he is particularly passionate ) and wallpapers , but not much on windows .
3 This is where the WIIC has a particularly crucial role .
4 In the case of the extreme right , there may be particular reasons why the internal argument has a particularly complex structure .
5 Berenson appears many times in the book — thinly disguised as ‘ Somberen ’ , when Joni has a particularly barbed comment to make about him .
6 Anxiety about the possibility of having to move into institutional care has a particularly strong influence on these perceptions — particularly for women .
7 AS YOU would expect from a company founded in Scotland , CCG has a particularly strong presence in its native land , with a large diversity of work .
8 A gharial crocodile ; it has a particularly prominent tip to its nose and catches fish with a sideways sweep of its slender jaws .
9 When you do , the first notable sight along the road is the small church of Gotein , two miles below Mauléon , which has a particularly good clocher-calvaire or saw-toothed bell-wall with , at the foot of it , a porch which is actually wider than the nave of the church itself and a covered wooden staircase going up the side .
10 Laura Ashley has a particularly good spring and summer range for children up to the age of twelve , with styles that are attractive without being prissy .
11 No broadcaster for example has a particularly good record of consistently covering Germany .
12 The sequential equilibrium strategy of the long-term agent has a particularly simple form in this model .
13 The Nusselt number has a particularly simple and useful interpretation when the length scale is the thickness d of a layer with temperature difference across it .
14 A Manx shearwater colony has a particularly powerful stench .
15 Over the years , quarrying generally has had a bad record for pay and conditions , and Penrhyn has a particularly infamous past .
16 Oxford has a particularly bad problem when it comes to homelessness .
17 In The Spice-Box Of Earth he has a particularly pointed reference to it : ‘ Night , my old night …
18 This building is more Romanesque than other works ; it is cruciform and has a particularly fine galleried and arcaded apse dating from about 1140 .
19 The Ystad church has a particularly fine Baltic brick , gabled façade ( 577 ) , while Holy Trinity Church is more interesting inside .
20 Indeed , the earnings limit has a particularly harsh effect on women , who are more likely than men to be able to combine care-giving with continued part-time employment ( McLaughlin , 1991 , p. 50 ) .
21 Britain has a particularly top-heavy industrial structure .
22 The Division has a particularly important task in promoting training courses for industry and commerce .
23 The systems planning team has a particularly important role to ensure a ‘ design for integration ’ and also to prevent any delay in this integration .
24 A Troll has a particularly unpleasant alternative method of attack which is to vomit the contents of its stomach over its enemy .
25 This means that leaded bronze is relatively weak and may explain why the statuette in Figure 5.2 , which has a particularly high lead content of about 30 per cent , was broken at the neck .
26 Sheffield has a particularly high density of colourful garden escapes such as Michaelmas daisy ( Aster novi-belgii ) , tansy and goat 's rue .
27 It has the Army ( active and retired ) , it has a particularly high proportion of prisoners and pensioners , and it has the Cerne Giant .
28 We often claim for instance , that this country has a particularly unique and distinctive voluntary sector which is not matched elsewhere .
29 Green records when he has had a particularly good meal : after eating at the Swan in Grasmere , with Anne , he writes ‘ the dinner good and cheap , all cheerful …
30 When a gentleman has had a particularly good meal , Bogtrotter , he always sends his complements to the chef .
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