Example sentences of "have fall [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In order to set the scene , figure 7.1 shows that average household size has fallen over the past century .
2 Inflation has fallen over the last three months and the cone of possible future inflation is now pointing slightly downwards , the bank reports in the first of its quarterly reviews of inflation produced in response to the Chancellor 's invitation in his speech at the Mansion House last year .
3 The tailwheel has fallen through the surface and the yoke was broken , so an immediate take-off was out of the question .
4 A thirteen year old boy has fallen through the window of his school bus as it went round a corner .
5 The futures price has fallen between the previous close and last trade by 2.0 ( i.e.1812.5 -1810.5 ) or by 4 ticks ( i.e. 2.0/0.5 ) .
6 ‘ He apparently slipped and has fallen between the floors . ’
7 Some have argued that the rise of the Happy Days mob shows how far Hollywood has fallen since the Seventies , the era of the Movie Brats .
8 That proportion has fallen since the mid-1960s .
9 Indeed the amount of oil spilt worldwide has fallen since the 1970s while the volume shipped has grown .
10 An object 's appearance is the first way we recognise where it comes from : a Volkswagen ‘ Beetle ’ is an instantly recognisable shape even if the VW badge has fallen off the car ; likewise we recognise a Rolls Royce .
11 It 's easily missed because its name has fallen off the entrance , leaving an incomprehensible hieroglyph .
12 Add to this cost the growth in government expenditure , and we are a long way in explaining why the real value of the tax threshold , or the level of income at which tax begins to be paid , has fallen during the post-war period .
13 After three years of exceptionally low rainfall , especially on the eastern side of England , it is of more than academic interest to know just how much rain has fallen on the garden .
14 All the rain she needs has fallen on the Queen 's racetrack in the past week to make jockey Pat Eddery set for a much better day than last year .
15 After the rain has fallen on the roof , it runs down into gutters under the eaves .
16 In his paper on ‘ Mourning and Melancholia ’ Freud established that in depression following the loss of a love-object the ego absorbs that object into itself so that the exaggerated self-reproaches , self-deprecation and self-hatred which typify the condition can be understood as sadistic drives which have been unconsciously directed on to the object whose ‘ shadow has fallen on the ego . ’
17 Crime in Strathclyde has fallen for the ninth consecutive month .
18 The number of people out of work has fallen for the third month running .
19 The number of people out of work has fallen for the fifth consecutive month .
20 UNEMPLOYMENT in Britain has fallen for the first time in almost three years .
21 The material that has fallen into the more massive of the two galaxies rekindles the quasar at its core .
22 The bad news , shown by the lower line on the chart , is that the overall visible trade balance has fallen into the red , by £353 million in 1990 .
23 Active Memory Technology Ltd , the ICL Plc parallel processing spin-out , has fallen into the hands of receiver Price Waterhouse and is currently tying up a rescue bid from a mystery American millionaire tycoon .
24 Three years later , after a letter unwisely sent by Flavia has fallen into the hands of the bitterly ambitious Rupert of Hentzau , Rassendyll has a harsher temptation to withstand .
25 Poor kid , she looked so pathetic sitting there on the edge of the chair , all stiff and upright like some tragedy queen , thinking Woe is me , my precious Bob has fallen into the hands of this designing woman .
26 Fortunately , it has fallen into the ingenious hands of David Cronenberg , acknowledged master of the bizarre .
27 The dog 's owners have offered a reward for its safe return , but fear the animal has fallen into the hands of unscrupulous dealers
28 Security chiefs are understood to be deeply annoyed that information about today 's celebrations has fallen into the hands of the IRA .
29 Another accolade has fallen at the feet of Patricia Grant , already honoured with an OBE by the Queen for her efforts in building up Norfrost , the domestic freezer supplier which exports 75 per cent of the 5,000 units it produces each week .
30 But if the average size of a household has fallen at the same time ( this has happened in the UK ) then the income of each person in a household may have risen .
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