Example sentences of "have ever been on " in BNC.

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1 It was the first time she 'd ever been on board ship .
2 She wondered if this coat had ever been on a train before , when it had belonged to the other child .
3 The meeting was held in Harvey Haddon Stadium in Nottingham , and it was the first time that I had ever been on an Inter-City train .
4 She could have had fun out there with Kelly , even though neither of them had ever been on skis before .
5 ‘ I did n't know you had ever been on the stage . ’
6 The Alpine snows closed over his militant steps , and the sinners he had excommunicated for one reason or another turned their thoughts from irregular union or simony , if they had ever been on them , and peered into the mists of what promised to be a very long vacancy .
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