Example sentences of "have [vb pp] all over " in BNC.

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1 For Charlie is one of Scotland 's best known pipers and has travelled all over the world with the Black Watch to play at social and diplomatic functions .
2 Pierre has taught all over the world — next month he 's running a course here at the Lygon Arms Hotel in Broadway .
3 Victoria de Los Angeles , who has sung all over the world , has had wonderful recording successes with twenty-two complete operas , and forty recital discs , that have together sold over five million records !
4 Football hooliganism is not a particularly new phenomenon , nor is it a peculiarly British problem , it has occurred all over the world .
5 Since then he has competed all over Europe .
6 ‘ The same thing that 's happened in Ireland has happened all over the world .
7 This has happened all over the Western world and we must now start to pick up the pieces .
8 They 'd stomped all over him .
9 ‘ Well , then I should have married some gypsy who would have trodden all over the fire with his bare feet , ’ said Lili .
10 I could have worked all over Europe , Ingrid .
11 After all , ‘ Blessed Lang of Galloway ’ may be the only Secretary of State to have walked all over water .
12 During the war it had been a dangerous neighbour , but no bomb had fallen on it , although fire-bombs had spattered all over Mouncy Street and Decimus Street .
13 I said what would I like to say , disgusted with the way he 's been treated , I said my father left intensive care at one o'clock on Friday , we was told he was gon na leave there at four o'clock to go home and have a meal and be with him when he went on the ward , when we came back , he 'd been moved , he 'd gone on the ward , he was plonked in the chair , his catheter was on his lap , it had leaked all over him , his dressing was hanging off and seeping with green stuff the wound on his leg was run all down over his foot , he 'd got no cover on his seat so he could see , Dave said they looked and they did n't look very bloody nice
14 Born in 1900 , the same year as the Queen Mother , he had spent twenty-three years at the top , he had travelled all over the world , he had stories and memories of escapades and people and was a colourful raconteur .
15 A group of armed Covenanters , under the command of Sir Robert Hamilton of Preston , East Lothian , had assembled at Rutherglen , and being opposed to Charles , had travelled all over the district , extinguishing the bonfires and stopping the celebrations .
16 Snow from the trees had fallen all over us and his arms and shoulders were covered in a white dust that sparkled in the light from my lamp .
17 Liz Clifton the gallery organiser says the work is very skilled and they 've looked all over the country to find things .
18 But he had written all over this one — the handwriting was unmistakable — before tearing it and throwing it on the floor .
19 All bloody mud and stuff they 've got all over it !
20 It 's probably Tabitha 's rusks again which I 've got all over me !
21 Manager Trevor Anderson added : ‘ I 've played all over Europe and have never come across this sort of thing before .
22 Manager Trevor Anderson added : ‘ I 've played all over Europe and have never come across this sort of thing before .
23 I 've played all over Europe , although we are only going to Scotland , England and Wales on this trip . ’
24 Alain had walked all over her excuses and her call to Glyn had left her quite at Alain 's mercy — not that he knew it .
25 They had gone all over the place ; peeking into the Oval Office ( but the little rope was across , Hakim said ) ; stopping on the stairs to look at a picture called The Canine Cabinet , in which North pointed out a drowsing member and said it was Casey ; and into the Roosevelt Room , where North showed the young Iranian the Nobel Prize won by Theodore Roosevelt for negotiating peace between the Russians and the Japanese .
26 We visited the Legion 's museum the following day and wandered round looking at the different flags of the units which had fought all over the world for 150 years .
27 We 've worked all over Australia New Zealand you know America and Canada and has n't .
28 At the same time , the company 's interests had spread all over the world , far beyond the milk-round set up by his father .
29 By early this century , the animal game had spread all over Brazil .
30 For years before his death rumours had spread all over the Dales that put his rude good health and longevity to dealings with the Devil and pointed to his long canine teeth as evidence of vampirism .
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