Example sentences of "in [pron] he lived " in BNC.

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1 His parents remember his fondness for writing , and in the groups that preceded The Wedding Present , he was clumsily relating the world in which he lived and trying to understand it through his own lyrics .
2 To decide what was intended , Ulpian says that first the habits of the testator and then the region in which he lived must be considered , but in addition his intention and the status or intimacy of the beneficiary as well as the dispositions adjacent in the will .
3 ‘ It was against this background that a man of impeccable character , a man of peace , felt such a degree of frustration and threat to the respectable little community in which he lived that he snapped . ’
4 For the first time population could increase with a declining grain price and a less than commensurate food output , subsisting on grain imports paid for by manufactures ; ‘ It is one of the most striking ironies of intellectual history that Malthus should have fashioned his analysis just at the time when it was about to cease to be applicable to the country in which he lived ’ ( Wrigley 1986 ) .
5 Christ , as God , was omniscient , his outlook not limited by the time in which he lived .
6 The first example pertains to the failure , of Catholic Christians in particular , to contextualize the words and actions of Jesus in relation to the circumstances of the world in which he lived .
7 Indeed , one might well say how could such equality have occurred to Jesus , given the society in which he lived .
8 But he was so much part of his time , even in the very attempt to withdraw from it , that there was no possibility of his creating a viable alternative to the society in which he lived and worked .
9 When it was decided that Mr Brown would soon be fit to go home , sister contacted the warden of the flats in which he lived to discuss arrangements with her .
10 The style in which he lived in Passy was not a style to which he had always been accustomed .
11 I think if you ha , if you look at Burns in the context of the time in which he lived , he was not an exceptional drinker or an exceptional womanizer , we 're a lot like him
12 He was a sharp , sensitive , and sometimes humorous observer of the life of the communities in which he lived , and although his judgements are generally conventional and his tastes often sentimental , the diary at its best is characterized by a naïve sensibility of great purity , rendered in a prose which sometimes rises to remarkable and even visionary heights of description .
13 One often reads of jealousies , of quarrels , of friendships , of instances of patronage , of pique and of loyalty which illuminate some aspect of a man 's character , of the nature of the society in which he lived or of the system in which he worked .
14 The ‘ homespun ’ view of literature had tended to see literature either as an expression of an author 's personality and world-vision , or as a mimetic ( that is to say , realistic ) representation of the world in which he lived ; or , most typically , as the mixture of both which Catherine Belsey describes as ‘ expressive realism ’ ( 1980 ) .
15 The new renown of Walter Machin and the heady publicity which had resulted for the town in which he lived had suggested to the Arts Club committee ( a mixture of the local genteel and the local far left ) that a retrospective of the work of his stepson might neatly capitalize on the widespread interest .
16 They were all written in nineteen thirty-nine or nineteen forty , and though they all concerned Walter Machin and his writing , or the industrial environment in which he lived and had grown up , they nevertheless contrived to be oddly impersonal and unrevealing .
17 His nature , which it might be argued he turned into Nature , always desired love and recognition , in a way that most of us do , but it seemed increasingly the environment in which he lived , and more especially the people which he met , denied him that .
18 More than twenty years ago , the archivist Emmison tried to convey to teachers what he felt to be the special qualities of an original document : The original document is in a sense more real than any text book can hope to be ; for the writer , though he may have been misguided , biased or mistaken , at least lived through the events of which he speaks ; and whatever his shortcomings , he was in certain respects better informed about the times and conditions in which he lived than is the interpreter writing two or three hundred years afterwards .
19 Such attitudes she plausibly connected with the difficult circumstances in which he lived , and which required that his work should continue under Cnut , as it had under Æthelred .
20 Sometime before Jacques married he had moved from the rue Dauphine St Andre des Arts , where he had lived from about 1714 , to the rue de Seine , in the parish of St Sulpice , where he had a large five-storey house in which he lived for over 40 years until his death in 1763 .
21 And under the name of Garawand he also applied for a loan of £43,225 to buy the house in Norton , Stockton , in which he lived .
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