Example sentences of "in [noun] [prep] least " in BNC.

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1 In Moscow at least , in official circles the activity in which he saw his life 's meaning was never given the recognition that it deserved .
2 In Moscow at least 50,000 people defied a heavy security presence to stage a march and rally close to the city centre which featured speeches and banners strongly condemning Communist Party leaders , including President Mikhail Gorbachev , and calling for round table talks between the authorities and the political opposition .
3 In Moscow at least 150,000 people packed into Manezh Square , beside the Kremlin .
4 The curious thing about the Minoans is that they were , in Mesara at least , building round tombs and rectangular houses : the rooms were rectangular even in the neolithic period .
5 My own interest in Marxism grew , I explained to Ladislav , in part at least , out of my readings of Hegel at university .
6 It is worth considering that in part at least the malaise of modern society is the result of ill-considered and reckless policies of demolition and redevelopment .
7 The nature of those policies with their emphases on private sector developments , home ownership and small businesses , suggests that in part at least the Government is seeking to produce electoral change by introducing traditional Conservative supporters to areas where the party has been very weak — as , for example , in many of the residential developments in London 's Docklands .
8 This was due , in part at least , to the fact that dependants waiting in the countries of origin were now ready to join their families in Britain .
9 The dependence here upon existing stock sizes is an obvious disadvantage , and can be counterbalanced to some extent by allocating on the basis of use — though even this will in part at least reflect existing conditions .
10 They are themselves helical , with a pitch that decreases uniformally towards the outside , and they are torsion structures held together in part at least by forces generated by the attempts of individual bacteria to untwist .
11 This squad also exploded a store of mines which the Germans had not laid behind the beach — an extraordinary piece of dilatoriness for them , although they were probably complacent , in part at least , because their propaganda had written off the British .
12 In time , beach reconnaissance would become a scientific study of landing areas and their immediate hinterland — the littoral across which Nigel Clogstoun-Willmott 's men would lead raiders and the van of invasions , guiding the landing craft crews with marker canoes and other devices that in part at least made up for these flotillas ' limited experience of coastal navigation .
13 These appear to be associated in part at least with the state of the labour market and the demand for women 's labour ( Ermisch 1983 ) .
14 It was no surprise , therefore , that this schema was decisively rejected by the majority , in part at least because of the emphasis on ‘ Catholic Action ’ , an ambiguous term which in Italy , Spain and other Latin countries referred to an organization of the laity dependent upon the bishops , while elsewhere it was synonymous with the lay apostolate in any form .
15 This was , in part at least , in pursuit of the idea that ‘ if it 's broadcasting , then the BBC does it ’ ( even if someone else does too ) .
16 As F. Gray points out , ‘ selection and allocation may reflect , in part at least , the desire of the local authority to minimise management tasks ’ ( Merrett , 1979 , p. 207 ) .
17 Third , we are , in part at least , talking about an activity which appears to be defined as problematic by users themselves .
18 It has been suggested by revisionist historians that Truman 's policy in the Far East in the summer of 1945 was governed by his hostility to Russia and that the atomic bomb was deployed against Japan in part at least to persuade the Soviet Union to follow a less abrasive policy in eastern Europe .
19 But I too would want to say that ( as someone has expressed it ) we see God through a Christ-shaped window : I have no doubt that , as a western person , my understanding of God has , in part at least , been shaped by the person who was Jesus of Nazareth .
20 There was force in the Crown 's argument that , strictly , the making of a statement in circumstances in which a person had already been charged and , in part at least , was intending to speak about matters relating to the charges already put did not fall within paragraphs 12 , 13 and 2 of Annex D. However , the Code must be read as covering this situation .
21 More probably it results ( in part at least ) from its general familiarity and widespread use as a descriptive tool in large-scale accounts of demographic structure ; in Britain , the decennial Census of Population is an example .
22 The success experienced among the eastern Angles with the conversion of Eorpwald may have been due in part at least to the influence of older patterns established by missionaries in the time of Raedwald , but nevertheless it testifies to Eadwine 's real influence in the East Anglian area at this time .
23 It was no doubt in part at least to consolidate himself dynastically in the face of the threat posed by Oswine that Oswiu married Eanflaed , daughter of Eadwine and Aethelburh , and therefore of part-Deiran , part-Kentish extraction , c. 644 ( her son , Ecgfrith , was in his fortieth year in 685 ) ( HE 111 , 15 ) .
24 Tits have likewise , in part at least , learned to open milk bottle tops by imitating other birds .
25 Further funding will cover , in part at least , the shortfall between the amount allocated to them from the common fund and their total expenditure .
26 In part at least , she was his returning shade , and that shade was clamouring now to be embraced .
27 To acknowledge it — as the cards insisted that she must — a portion of herself , was to recognize features which were paltry and despicable ; it forced the reluctant awareness that she was , in part at least , a smaller person than she believed herself to be .
28 Agonising about the Gold Standard decision , he wrote to his Controller of Finance at the Treasury , Sir Otto Niemayer : So one might ask whether by maintaining high interest rates to support the value of the pound against the Deutschmark , the British people were not being required to make untold sacrifices to match German interest rates , whose levels were in part at least caused by that country 's need to rebuild her eastern provinces .
29 What is not voiced is that this importance is , in part at least , caused by the institutional processes which give Shakespeare a privileged position on the curriculum at schools .
30 In part at least , the conditions which frustrated their fuller implication also provided the justification for renewed efforts to improve social conditions .
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