Example sentences of "['s] work is that [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 A constant theme in Schüssler Fiorenza 's work is that we draw strength for our struggle from our knowledge of the past .
2 The significance of Simmel 's work is that he breaks away from one of the most predominant tendencies in the grounding of Hegel in social analysis : that is , the suggestion that we can separate off the positive side of sublation from the negative side of externalization as rupture .
3 Another feature of Houghton 's work is that he develops a very complex model for collecting logistic information , based upon sampling of the issue records of individual books in various categories — shelf stock , returned books , withdrawn books .
4 The first major problem with Fforde 's work is that it equates collectivism with socialism , which is as historically wrong as it is jejune .
5 One of the oddities of Foucault 's work is that it seems riven by an internal tension — for example , as peter Dews notes , while on the one hand Foucault lays claims to a form of objectivity in his archaeology , and eschews interpretation in favour of ‘ intelligibility ’ , on the other hand throughout his life he was also prone to endorse a Nietzschean insistence on the interminability of interpretation .
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