Example sentences of "a suggestion [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Some may baulk at such a suggestion but it is only making explicit what archivists do implicitly .
2 Yeah I was gon na move erm on a suggestion that we had not been convinced of the need for this consortium by er , so far and and that certainly we as an authority er , have remained opposed to it on the grounds that we 've stated the terms of accountability in terms of the er , sensitivity to local needs in terms of transport issues and in terms of the clear intention to restrict patient choice erm which I think is a key think which should be emphasised
3 Th th there is one point on the same vein as that Bob , th the second sheet on the D One , where there 's a suggestion that we tick off additional bits that we 're gon na put into our contract , we are going to arrange possessions , we we 're gon na do this that and the other .
4 Interest has been expressed in both the Crewe Heritage Centre and Ironbridge among nearby centres and I have received a suggestion that we might visit the Gwili Railway farther afield .
5 Jill Coleman said : ‘ At a recent meeting , there was a suggestion that we should buy the common .
6 When the bas-relief on a newly-opened post office was reviewed by The Times , the newspaper 's art correspondent commented with some inspiration , ‘ The design consists of a male and female nude , recumbent , but with a suggestion that they are floating in water .
7 The final phrase carried a suggestion that they might be willing to fight for the League , but it seems unlikely that this thought had crossed the minds of many of the young gentlemen who voted for it .
8 In England the Lords of Trade certainly had no money to spend on the colonies ; and would have been quite as surprised as any earlier generations at a suggestion that they ought to be spending money on them .
9 ‘ It 's not certain , but there 's a suggestion that they have stolen British army trucks and uniforms and , with forged documents , pass themselves off as official convoys .
10 The majority of the 850 former workers were asked for their opinions after a suggestion that they revert to a festive dinner — the original idea when the tradition was established in 1963 .
11 Asquith demurred , and also responded discouragingly to a suggestion that they might all serve under Balfour .
12 A suggestion that he should take her out to lunch , instead , did n't , surprisingly , fall flat .
13 Lee 's spontaneous remark could have been followed by a suggestion that he tried to sort the vans from the other vehicles in the garage , or he could have been encouraged to watch vans travelling outside the school .
14 ‘ There was a suggestion that he might be interested in taking a cottage .
15 It seems to have been assumed , however , that His Majesty would have acquiesced in a suggestion that he should invite the US to train the Vietnamese army and although the suggestion , like Acheson 's message , was not carried through because of political sensitivity the US was becoming involved in the war one way and another .
16 I thought for a moment and came up with a suggestion that he should give some sort of honour , an OBE or the like , to the cricketer Basil D'Oliveira , who had been shabbily treated by the South African government .
17 At the very end of his life there was also a suggestion that he was in receipt of bribes for the release of prisoners at Newgate , though this allegation seems not to have been proved .
18 At his death he owed the queen £4,000 from rents on forest land in his care as sub-warden , but there was a suggestion that he settled lands on his daughters so as to deprive the queen of her due .
19 As West has 6 Hearts , he is likely to be short in all the other suits , and with East returning the King of Clubs , there is a suggestion that he has a fairly long suit .
20 He said a suggestion that he was a criminal overlord in Glasgow was nonsense and that he could not understand why he had a reputation as the godfather .
21 He described as unbelievable a suggestion that he had asked staff about drugs at their job interviews .
22 Er , there 's a suggestion that he had mild epilepsy , and they tried to keep it quite , and his father tutored him at home .
23 Threats against her , a suggestion that she should leave the country for a very long time if she did n't want to get badly hurt .
24 A suggestion that she had consciously paraded temptation before him ?
25 There was even a suggestion that I was one of Juval Aviv 's sources for the Interfor Report , although I had never met the man or even seen his report at that point .
26 I repeat a suggestion that I made to the Secretary of State at the time of the last atrocity in Northern Ireland .
27 Well can I make a suggestion that you add it all to the list of the things to discuss it is .
28 I mean , for instance , there is no first aider on duty , as apparently , well there 's a suggestion that you need to have a first aider on duty if you 've got people in the building .
29 If the upkeep of a garden is getting too much for an elderly person , and finance and willing helpers can be found , a suggestion that it should be paved , with a few easily managed tubs of flowers and shrubs at a convenient height , is often an acceptable idea .
30 The violent metaphors which formerly had been freely used were absent , and the letter contained a suggestion that it was Anselm himself who had been going too far :
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