Example sentences of "a limit to the " in BNC.

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1 Is there a limit to the grant and will I have to pay anything ?
2 But there is a limit to the number of profitable assets which can be sold .
3 And there is surely a limit to the time which this historic opportunity can endure .
4 There is , after all , a limit to the number of schools or hospitals in a town that you can go to without everyone getting bored or the whole business seeming increasingly contrived .
5 There was a limit to the amount of drama in which he would involve himself .
6 Condoms are not expensive , and there is a limit to the number anyone could wish to use .
7 First , is there inevitably a limit to the resources available .
8 Issues of concern were : how far should workers get involved in discussions with social fund officers about individual cases ; how actively should workers support individual applications in view of the fact that there is a limited budget and therefore a limit to the number of people who could be helped ; and should bureaux help social fund officers to set priorities between groups of claimants ?
9 There is a limit to the amount of help I am prepared to give . ’
10 It also recognises that there is a limit to the number of changes that a school can undertake in one year .
11 Kessel ( 1965 ) has suggested a limit to the amount of tablets that could be dispensed at a given time , and in some areas chemist shop assistants are instructed to refer customers to senior staff when large amounts of tablets are being requested .
12 Early application is advised , as there may be a limit to the number of students admitted to certain courses .
13 But even so there is a limit to the number of owls that can be packed into an area ; each pair probably insists on at least 20 hectares .
14 But though a great deal may be programmed into animals , there must surely be a limit to the complexity possible .
15 The true cost of these is hidden , i.e. cover at workplace , cost of speakers etc. is minimal by comparison ’ — in general , there will be a limit to the amount of hidden costs any library department can or will want to absorb on training , in the face of competing priorities .
16 Others have paid their full-time church planters a proper salary but have felt that there is a limit to the number of times that this may be possible .
17 There is a limit to the quantity of any one particular food you can eat , and continue to eat without other foods , before beginning to feel bored with it and then almost sick at the thought of it .
18 But is there a limit to the amount of sex appeal you can dish out before the whole thing gets out of hand ?
19 But in any situation there is a limit to the amount of mutual involvement that may be tolerated , and too much mutual looking may arouse anxiety ’ ( Argyle and Kendon 1972:39 ) .
20 Despite their expertise in such field craft , though , there was a limit to the area the Australians could control , and they had to send more men south to protect their supply line from the coast .
21 There is a limit to the size of picture that you can create in this shape , as a solid mass of flowers can lose all sense of size or identity when it becomes too large .
22 However , there is a limit to the amount of water vapour that it can hold , rather like a sponge , and this varies with the temperature — warm air can hold more moisture than cool air .
23 You may not have behaved too badly under the circumstances ( though we all have a limit to the length of our inner fuse ) ; but how much of the conflict was contributed by the part of you over which you seem to have less control , the fire down below , the lesser-disciplined arena of your own strong inner responses ?
24 The authority said : ‘ There has to be a limit to the number of children any school can take . ’
25 There is a limit to the permissible means of injuring the enemy , a limit which is inevitably affected by the actions of all parties to any conflict .
26 There is a limit to the exercise of power , particularly when it takes the form of affliction and distress .
27 Nevertheless the OECD cautions that principles of equity do impose a limit to the possibilities for charging .
28 This occurs because there is a limit to the amount of physiological change in the body that adrenalin can produce .
29 The basic idea ( see Figure 9.2 ) was that members agreed to maintain no more than a 2¼ per cent band around all their respective currencies so as to set a limit to the degree to which exchange values could fluctuate ( the ‘ snake ’ ) .
30 But there is a limit to the growth of a single-celled creature , for as size increases , the chemical processes inside the cell become difficult and inefficient .
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