Example sentences of "and if [pron] go " in BNC.

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1 With Save & Prosper 's Guaranteed Stockmarket Bond , if shares go up you win and if they go down you get your money back .
2 If shares go down you get your money back , and if they go up you get some of the profits .
3 ‘ People go to school to learn , ’ he said , ‘ and if they go to school to learn , at the end of the day they have to be marked in such a way that future employers or colleges know what they have achieved . ’
4 There are infrared-sensing security lights on the wall of the house and if they go on then the whole thing 's off ; I 'm up and over the wall and back into the woods and away .
5 Er , so that 's okay to an extent , but obviously we 've got an approved list of building societies and banks , which we never used to have , but we 've realized that er since B C C I p particularly and the housing market as bad as it is , there are some building societies and banks who may be in difficulties , and if they go down erm then they may not be taken over .
6 And if they go on like this I shall need something bigger and lighter .
7 ‘ Do you know he pays five marks each for his cigars and if they go out he throws them away ? ’
8 I also establish safety by showing I 'm able to take a hell of a lot of flack and stress and if they go to pieces , I 'll be there .
9 Over the last fourteen years forty two million pounds and if they go on the way their going on and the way they 're talking it 's all gon na be for nicks nowt .
10 And if they go a goal ahead in Turkey , the home-team are going to kick hell out of them and hopefully side-line most of them until the New Year ( and god knows what the crowd will do — have you ever seen Midnight Express ? )
11 ‘ It 's none of our business , ’ said Sam , ‘ and if we go round wiping her tapes , she 'll know we 've been here . ’
12 If the project does not get into gear now and if we go back to the drawing board , it will be decades before we get another scheme that is worked through to the present level .
13 I 'd like an extended playground , because at lunchtime the boys take up the playground and play football and if we go on the playground just to run around , they say ’ Oi get off , we 're playing football . ’
14 And if we go about ten is that alright ?
15 I 've admired his ability to get the best out of players and if I go into management , which is my aim , I 'll take a lot of Dave with me . ’
16 And if I go to a rugby match , I do n't want to be accused of womanising when I 'm at Cardiff Arms Park cheering and shouting . ’
17 ‘ They 've been bringing their dogs to do their business in my front garden , and if I go to the council , d' you know what they 'll say ?
18 Nothing gives me more pleasure now and if I go to the to the libraries and a young lad I say a young man like you will come to me and say , Hello Nurse , How are you ?
19 Oh , this is wrong , he reminded himself fiercely , when all she needs is mild affection and the ability to trust , and if I go too far it will only be to betray her again — or so she will think .
20 He was the one that got me pregnant and he says that I ca n't come home at all now and I phoned the hospital , yes , and they said that come in and if I go in then you 're going to arrest me and then you 'll just call my dad like you always have done every time I 've run away from home and then every time you lot have took me back home and then I end up getting pregnant .
21 Generally and for the most part they 'll come up with the same sum at the end of the day and if I go to two different philosophers and say , erm can you tell me about free will ?
22 I 'm actually , I 'm quite high on as theorist as well and I like to write everything out in full and I clear structures and if I go to training sessions and they 're all over the place , it 's such a in about five minutes and I have to say hang on a minute it might not be structured in the way that you like it but you can actually learn from it .
23 And if I go
24 And if you go to England — ‘
25 There is a tiny hole at the end , and if you go into this hole ( you 'd have to be as small as a fig wasp to do so , and they are minute : thankfully too small to notice when you eat a fig ) , you find hundreds of tiny flowers lining the walls .
26 Everyone likes fun and pretty things , but — having too many frocks must be almost as bad as having too few , and if you go out somewhere every day , and razzle every night , you would get stale .
27 And if you go over the top the police could charge you with various types of assault , depending on the damage done .
28 Allow lining paper to fully dry out ; time each pasting so the paste is allowed to soak in for ten minutes before hanging , and if you go over that time , make sure all sections soak for the same time .
29 And if you go anywhere near Jude again , I swear …
30 The hunting season for the palombe is short but deadly , and if you go up into the hills while it is on , the local men will be crouched there in their camouflage jackets , or lined up at stands along the roads , their shotguns aimed hungrily out over the valley .
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