Example sentences of "and as [pers pn] walked " in BNC.

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1 They walked slowly , for Ruth had to negotiate Lilian 's pushchair up and down each kerb , and as they walked , they talked .
2 The Fitzgerald family went together to early Mass and as they walked home everything seemed normal .
3 He stood aside , and as they walked back to the office Lucy felt an unexpected wave of gratitude towards Doreen .
4 She fell into step between David and Rachel and as they walked around the poolside she looked from one to the other .
5 And as they walked , Shelley could n't quite believe that she was really awake , and not just dreaming of walking beside him , close to him , his strong fingers actually touching her flesh , and the warmth of his breath against her cheek .
6 With a few words of explanation Sophie made the introduction and as they walked together into the house her godmother said , ‘ I 'm afraid I 've got some news which wo n't please you , but first of all I want to hear yours . ’
7 And as they walked around the 230 acre farm , all of it in the extended Less Favoured Areas , they were able to see at first hand why Hume Stewart-Moore and his son Michael were so successful .
8 On the 18th tee we hit the same 3-wood , and as we walked down the fairway the crowds were massed around the last green ; the noise was unbelievable .
9 ‘ We had been to the pub and as we walked along a well-lit walkway this man came towards us .
10 The voice belonged to George , he had drawn up on the other side of the road , and as I walked towards him his voice was getting impatient .
11 And as I walked farther ,
12 So I left , and as I walked back to my car , the man watched me from the little steel balcony upon which Kanaan Abu Khadra had played as a boy .
13 And as I walked on past those unused bedrooms , Miss Kenton 's figure , a silhouette against a window within one of them , had called to me .
14 My respected landladies , who are the double-distilled quintessence of considerateness and island hospitality , would think all good would leave their abodes if a dweller beneath their roof left fasting , so , in spite of all my entreaties to the contrary , a cup of tea was prepared to forestall my start ; and as I walked by the river-side and reached a road that skirts a number of very massive peat-stacks , and displays on the landward side an interminable host of peat-pits , the geniality of the sunshine was felt , and I would gladly have slackened my pace were it not that by so doing my good friends at Gress ( some eight miles from Stornoway , where I was due at eight o'clock , if I remember rightly ) , might have waited breakfast for me .
15 A dip in the hill , much like those at Sulber Nick and Kirkby Nick , led over the crest by an outcrop and as I walked out from the dip I saw ahead of me Raydale with , to my left , Semer Water and Addlebrough behind it .
16 One of them came to see me , and as I walked towards him across the table , he put on his glasses .
17 Bunny handed over a fiver and as I walked away I heard him whisper to Rayleen .
18 One was slung over my shoulder one had got sort of between two limbs I suspect , holding it round the back like that , and another one was over a protrusion that just seemed handy to hold the lot , and as I walked down the street of course suddenly everybody was glancing at me and I realized what I appeared to be doing .
19 He smiled broadly and he turned from her , munching at the buttered scone , and as he walked out of the back door he heard the sound of a car coming on to the gravel in front of the house .
20 A tatami , a triple-woven rush mat , had been placed on the sand , and as he walked towards it Alexei saw that the slave had raked over his footprints as he had departed , leaving the surface smooth and even .
21 The cove was a sun-trap and as he walked he slipped off his coat and carried it over his arm .
22 And as he walked her out to hail a taxi she felt a strange lightness invade her heart .
23 He walked away to the desk , collecting his key , and as he walked towards the lifts he flicked a quick glance back to the girl who 'd been brought up as his daughter .
24 A spokesman for Cleveland Fire Brigade said : ‘ The cloth over the chip pan caught fire and as he walked towards the door cold air blew the fat up his arms . ’
25 The two men , one called Willie and the other called Arthur , were standing with their caps on , and as she walked towards them the man called Mike , the big one , said to her , ‘ Sorry I was rough on you , miss . ’
26 She wanted to be noticed in all her finery and as she walked up the aisle she kept stopping to give a little cough on the back of her hand and looking from side to side .
27 And as she walked away from you , did you utter the words , ‘ Wait until Boxing Day ’ or any words similar to that ? ’
28 Annie disregarded the remark and as she walked out of the side door pushing the baby carriage Bessie turned to her employer .
29 She spoke slowly while controlling her eagerness to spring to her feet , and as she walked across the room beside Silas one of the rafting party gave a low whistle which was obviously directed at her .
30 Lucy went — and as she walked back to the office she wondered what had got into her to cause such unruliness of her tongue and to bring her claws to the surface .
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