Example sentences of "and not merely [art] " in BNC.

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1 Ethical problems will surface , for no power-based organization likes to have its idiosyncrasies made public , and the anthropologist who is a member of the family and not merely a temporary visitor to the ‘ backyard ’ exotica can find that writing anything at all becomes crucially problematic .
2 Eating should be a pleasure and not merely a means of fuelling the body .
3 We recognise that the Church is a divinely constituted organism and not merely a human institution .
4 In this chapter , I hope to show that these distinctions are important and not merely a play on words .
5 Democracy signified a particular type of society , and not merely a particular form of government , or of choosing a government .
6 The negative impact of the market invites the question whether it might be desirable to find a substitute for , and not merely a supplement to , the discipline the latter market provides .
7 Protection is granted , in the context of a trade dispute , to interference with contract ( and not merely a contract of employment ) , to intimidation or conspiracy to injure and to interference with trade by unlawful means but by the Employment Act 1980 this protection was to a large extent withdrawn in case of ‘ secondary action . ’
8 This is what is meant by claiming that scientific knowledge is ‘ public ’ knowledge — that is , that it is in principle testable and verifiable by anyone/everyone and not merely a matter of private belief .
9 This impotence is inherent in the Keynesian approach to policy and not merely a feature of a specific version of that approach ; for by its very nature it makes government influences on aggregate demand predictable in that it links government policy changes to the current or past state of the economy .
10 Nevertheless , as mass migration became part of common people 's experience , and every child in County Kildare had some cousin , uncle or brother already in Australia or the United States , uprooting became a common — and not necessarily irreversible — choice based on an assessment of prospects , and not merely a force of destiny .
11 As a community of faith the model and inspiration in life is Jesus Christ and not merely a consensus among individuals .
12 This says that while it may be all very well to make philosophical statements about evil , evil nevertheless is real , and not merely an absence ; and what 's more it can be resisted , and what 's more still not resisting it ( in the belief that one day Omnipotence will cure all ills ) is a dereliction of duty .
13 Thus far it can be argued that , if and in so far as the objection to the validity of a pretended Act of Parliament is purely procedural , there is no objection to any court ( and not merely the House of Lords ) making such minimal inquiries as are consistent with Parliamentary privilege in order to ensure that the instrument in question was consented to by the two Houses and did receive the Royal Assent .
14 A useful minimal definition is that given by the World Health Organization that ‘ Health is a state of complete mental , physical and social well-being , and not merely the absence of disease . ’
15 She told me that she believed that evil was real , and not merely the absence of good , which , I felt , was a good start .
16 So it is used here in the wider sense defined by the World Health Organization as a ‘ complete physical , mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity ’ .
17 The World Health Organisation 's definition that health is a state of complete physical , mental , and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity redresses the medically biased emphasis on disease or infirmity .
18 The roots of disillusionment — in so far as they were the fruit of twelfth-century conditions and not merely the natural response to too high or too vaguely expressed expectations — lay in the intellectuals ' belief , stated by John of Salisbury .
19 That the actions of particular men have determined the character and not merely the pace of the development of human society introduces the biological objection to Marxism .
20 ‘ The fundamental right of freedom of speech is involved in this litigation , and not merely the right of liberty of the press .
21 This latter approach , unlike the previous one , depends on all individuals actually owning some property , and not merely the background existence of private property as an institution .
22 The language used in the authorities relating to the trustee is none too clear , but it indicates that the trustee has possession of chattels in the hands of the beneficiary , and not merely the right to possess them .
23 This deposited material is mainly removed by the waves so that at night , when the algae emit carbon dioxide , the ensuing greater acidity of the sea water causes a chemical attack on the rock itself and not merely the redissolving of the finely divided material precipitated during the day .
24 Nothing would have induced me to part now except an overwhelming sense that the course of action which has been pursued has put the country- and not merely the country , but throughout the world , the principles for which you and I have always stood throughout our political lives-in the greatest peril that has ever overtaken them .
25 The Venetian author of the Italian Relation of England commented specifically on the English sense of national pride , and presumably was thinking of attitudes which he encountered generally and not merely the point of view of the more literate : ' … the English are great lovers of themselves and everything belonging to them ; they think that there are no other men than themselves , and no other world but England ; and whenever they see a handsome foreigner , they say ‘ he looks like an Englishman ’ ' ( 35 , pp.20–1 ) .
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