Example sentences of "and it [adv] happen " in BNC.

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1 We were going to have an 80-foot Brussels sprout flying above Battersea Power Station — and it nearly happened !
2 ‘ The fight I 'd love would be against McMillan and it nearly happened before he lost his WBO title .
3 However , practice differs and it invariably happens that express provision is made only regarding two areas : non-competition/canvassing and non-disclosure/use of business secrets .
4 In consequence , many Members who put their names down will have only ill-formed ideas about what they want and it frequently happens that Bills presented are ill-prepared or misconceived .
5 And it even happens where the clays which overlie the chalk , the tertiary clays which you can see for example in the top of the cliffs at Newhaven , and if you look back at the cliff from the western breakwater for example you can see clay sitting on top of chalk .
6 His argument is that the density wave is of a different kind , the so called long wave mode , which propagates from the centre of the Galaxy outward , such a wave pattern rotates much more rapidly than the short wave mode and it just happens that , if this picture is correct , our Solar System is almost exactly at the place in our Galaxy where it orbits at the same speed as the wave ( Astrophysics and Space Science , vol 89 , p 61 ) .
7 And it just happens that Digital is the only company to make it work .
8 There was no colour bar , because normal rules are applied for the selection of recruits and it just happens that black and Asian people fall the tests .
9 And it just happened .
10 Well , we got friendly , Mary and me , and it just happened , then it became regular like … ’
11 So it was , the prophecy was written then by Daniel for our , for our time and it just happened in our , because you know er , when he was er , when he finished the book write written and he said I have seen the , the , the erm visions and I 've heard the voice , but I , and I 've written down what I was told to do , but I do not understand and then the voice said to him well close that down , that book is not for you to understand , the generations that it 's written for , it 's written for the end of the times , they will come to understand it , and you see we actually witnessing what 's happening
12 And then I began to become very worried about it and it just happened by chance that one Friday morning I heard a programme on Radio Brighton , and it was Doctor Wisbey speaking about dyslexia , and it dawned on me immediately that my son was dyslexia .
13 This happens with Latin American workers in the USA and it also happens with ASL users ( Fischer , 1978 ) .
14 And we work hard , we get very little money for it , we wait to get to the top and it never happens .
15 You can still see it going on today and it still happens does n't it like the Good News Bible if you look at that , I mean this a version of the Bible rewritten , presumably to tell people good news I do n't know , I 've never , never read it but I presume that that 's what the Good News Bible does and we now have countless bibles , where , where , where , where God is , God is female erm my guess is supposing that were the only Bible we had a feminist bible were no other bible and everybody for hundreds of years believed it , my guess is that in the future literary critics and bible critics could study that very carefully and I bet you somewhere there you 'll find internal evidence to show that once God had been male and had his gender changed , I 'm quite sure of it because edit a whole book like the Bible and completely eliminate all the evidence that God was once male would be a very difficult here , here and there you need little bits of evidence and , and again there 's lots of others I 'll mention in the lecture like God 's name .
16 You know , the water board er er it 's all the same ones that we hear on th on the television , and it still happens !
17 Although most of them rarely attend , hereditary peers could still , if they so wished , dominate the proceedings of the House of Lords , and it occasionally happens , when a matter of vital and controversial national concern , such as the abolition of hanging , galvanises them , that many more than usual attend .
18 In the years when this inexplicable phenomenon occurs — and it usually happens around Christmas , and so is known by the local fishermen as El Niño — the plankton suddenly vanish , the fish die and the birds fly away or are left to starve and rot .
19 A girl sits down with a man and he says , ‘ What you need is a good romance and it so happens I 'm very romantic ’ — that 's marketing .
20 The old sunset-defying British Empire stands out even better , and it so happens that the main fossiliferous parts of it fall on a non-equatorial great circle , thereby providing ample ammunition for the polar wanderers .
21 The armourers all slept in a long room on the first floor , with J. in a small room to himself at the end , and it so happened that Matthew occupied the corresponding small room immediately underneath on the ground floor .
22 This was a wire type recorder , and it so happened that during the very substantial impact a piece of structure cut across the take-up spool presenting the investigators with something like 11 000 lengths of wire about ten inches long on which the events were recorded .
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