Example sentences of "and it [is] possible " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We only electrofished four miles of the open ended canal and it 's possible the fish could have survived and moved in the 20 mile stretch before the locks .
2 So transfer of germs to the vagina does happen — and it 's possible those germs might lead to vaginal discharge .
3 I want to know how this man got into the courtyard — somebody must have opened the main door and gate for him and it 's possible that somebody going out may have seen him .
4 Because it was a secret project there were several phases being developed separately , and it 's possible that Professor Liawski did n't like the forms of experimentation that Jenner was using .
5 And it 's possible that the curious telephone conversation in the flat , with its reference to postponing something for a week , related to your time limit .
6 ‘ They think Sybil was the victim of a walk-in thief maybe a junkie , and it 's possible the same person killed Angy . ’
7 These cheeses are situated together , and it 's possible to move from one cheese to another .
8 ( 10 ) It 's possible that there 's life on Mars ( 11 ) It 's possible that there 's life on Mars and it 's possible that there is no life on Mars ( 12 ) It 's possible that there 's life on Mars , and in fact it is now certain that there is Now from this set of dilemmas the notion of implicature offers a way out , for it allows one to claim that natural language expressions do tend to have simple , stable and unitary senses ( in many cases anyway ) , but that this stable semantic core of en has an unstable , context-specific pragmatic overlay — namely a set of implicatures .
9 A substantial amount of cash was recovered from the raid , and it 's possible brave Chris may be in line for a reward .
10 Many people who know that they may die in such circumstances wish to discuss the procedure beforehand , and it is possible that the authorities concerned may be prepared to do this .
11 The sea can still be seen from the orchard and it is possible at this stage that the German Army could push the Commando Brigade back into the sea .
12 ‘ Tomorrow morning we attack the German positions and it is possible that we have nothing more to eat after this evening . ’
13 At this time of year , mid-Autumn , the snow has usually not arrived in Tromsø and it is possible for you to have the hills to yourself in Tromsdalen or , better , in Lyngen , but this year there was already a metre of the stuff down at sea level .
14 Various types of windmill emerged , and it is possible to distinguish the characteristics of these among the survivors .
15 It is the same heat in the sun that melts wax and hardens clay , and it is possible , perhaps by the use of indicative signs , to investigate the underlying causes of dissimilar effects .
16 And it is possible to make distinctions not all trailers are the same .
17 People indeed talked privately about the waste of government money , the lack of respect for public property , and it is possible that government might have regarded a discussion of that issue alone as constructive criticism : Kufrans were not sure .
18 But the reader now knows something of the general setting of Libyan politics ; of the people involved and their problems , and it is possible to approach the topic of ideas and principles in the aftermath of the revolution .
19 A novel like The Middle Age of Mrs Eliot , for instance , could be regarded as a latter-day Middlemarch , with Meg rising up and breaking free as Dorothea does , and it is possible to detect the influence of Wilson 's favourite writer , Dickens , in works as dissimilar as Anglo-Saxon Attitudes and No Laughing Matter .
20 Further , in earlier years the branch had attempted to extend its WEA social and educational activity into surrounding villages and it is possible that the branch had pressed the District for the appointment of a resident tutor in East Suffolk — although the documentary evidence on this point is somewhat unclear .
21 Green was fulsome in his praise for Barker 's determined and generous efforts to reach an equitable settlement and it is possible that Green did acquaint the Chairman of the RAC with the unhappy position in Bedfordshire .
22 Of course , the British are not the only ones to take holidays and it is possible that you will be sharing your hotel with a group ( perhaps a large one ) from another country .
23 Of course , some bivalves , like mussels and oysters , do remain fixed throughout their adult life , and it is possible that these fill the ecological role today of some of the large brachiopods of the Palaeozoic .
24 It is found along with fossils of planktonic organisms and it is possible to explain the change in growth between coil and trumpet as a change that happened when the larval shell settled on the bottom .
25 Of interest is the fact that a CEGB narrow gauge railway uses the eastbound portal of the old tunnel to this day and it is possible to walk through the other portal ( with permission ) .
26 Exactly what happened between this date and 10 July is not known precisely and it is possible that in addition to the group of six already identified there were other DGSE agents involved .
27 With his junior staff loyally taking the blame and trying to pretend he knew nothing about it ( despite his signature on the 17 January presidential order ) , Reagan began to believe he had known nothing about it and it is possible that he did not know what he was signing .
28 Certainly they make demands on social and medical services , and it is possible that severely mentally handicapped people will have to be looked after for all their lives .
29 The canopy slates are old and similar to the main roof and it is possible that an earlier gallery stood here .
30 The palace is now the Ministry of Culture and it is possible to visit the gardens and Great Hall between 1 May and 30 September .
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