Example sentences of "and values [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Thus there have been changes over time in patterns of support between generations , but these are not necessarily a result of individuals ' changing beliefs and values about family responsibilities .
2 As the nation became increasingly militarized under the pressure of fighting with China , Japan 's leaders again turned to Japanese traditions and values as sources of national unity .
3 This double standard of mores and values between attitudes to men and women was evident throughout the survey .
4 We have to note , first , an increasing generalization and development of the idea that the practice and values of art are neglected by , or have to be distinguished from , or are superior or hostile to the dominant values of ‘ modern ’ society .
5 While norms and values define society 's rules , it is through socialisation that individuals come to embrace as their own the norms and values of others and learn to regard the rules and traditions of their society as rightful .
6 Such witness , combined with the evangelising influence of the school ethos , will provide the appropriate setting where a religious education can take place which promotes the development of an intelligent , thoughtful and self-critical faith , and assists pupils ‘ in coming to a deeper awareness both of their own identity , beliefs and values , and of the beliefs and values of others ’ ( Arrangements document 1.1 ) .
7 In the process whereby a child comes to act in accordance with the rules and values of society , becoming eventually a reasonably self-controlled , inner-directed member of the community , one of the first steps is the development of self-restraint .
8 Higher education is relatively autonomous from the state but at the same time it is not isolated from the power structures and values of society .
9 Clearly , in modern times a volunteer army is likely to be more isolated than a conscript army , and any process of ‘ professionalization ’ is likely to remove the norms and values of soldiers further from their civilian origins .
10 A more recent approach to the informal organisation is to consider the beliefs and values of individuals and groups as part of an organisational culture .
11 As partners in pursuit of the common goals and values of democracy , freedom , human rights and the market economics , stated Yeltsin , Russia now had more in common with South Korea than with the unreformed communist North .
12 By assigning elasticities and values of time obtained from the literature , it will assess the response of each group to different levels of road pricing , the extent to which each group benefits or loses , and the impact of these different group responses on the overall performance of road pricing .
13 Indeed , pupils should come to realise that biased sources are often very valuable to the historian in revealing the attitudes and values of people in the past .
14 I do not understand the motives , beliefs and values of terrorists .
15 This is because a socially and economically dominant group is best able to engage in and control all aspects of contemporary culture , setting norms and values for others .
16 The reference point for the height data ( m ) is Rifugio Piccolo ( between Cisternazza and Montagnola ) and values for November 1989 are set to zero , after the SSE-trending fractures had formed and Strombolian activity had ceased .
17 Marx 's and Engels 's materialism is thus not the denial of the importance of ideas , concepts , and values for people , like the materialism of Feuerbach , but an assertion that ideas ultimately have a material origin in the real conditions of existence , a history which consists in a complicated interplay and conflict of different factors , some directly material , some mental ( though material in origin ) .
18 A wilderness is a place of contrast , where our own rules and values for living can be challenged , where we can learn something about humility and the inventive resilience of unmanaged nature .
19 To agree what the overall aspirations of the group are , what what is our current vision and values for future .
20 Goals and values plus energy provide us with the vital information on motivation to perform and it is these variables which provide the best data on how an individual is likely to perform .
21 The Center for Media and Values in Los Angeles , USA , has co-produced a multi-media package introducing Catholic leaders and teachers to media literacy education .
22 Parenting in a TV Age helps parents learn to manage television intelligently , say it producers , the Center for Media and Values in Los Angeles , USA .
23 It is an interesting reflection of the diversity of views and values in school that one of the readers of the first draft of this book commented on this letter : ‘ How sentimental !
24 The striking exception among the super-egos is Professor Charles Handy , a modest and witty Irishman with a spiritual perspective which owes much to his four years as warden of St George 's House in Windsor Castle , a private study and conference centre in the UK concerned with ethics and values in society .
25 These and other aspects of ‘ work structure and events ’ are related to a structure of interests , power and values in society at large .
26 For historians the politics of information involve creating and sustaining attitudes and values in society at large which will support and demand the retention of the information sources which will be the basis of writing history in the future .
27 The emphasis placed by writers such as Abegglen ( 1973 ) and Drucker ( 1971 ) on internalized beliefs and values in culturalist accounts is too great and , it is suggested , unwarranted by the texts which are available to Japanese scholars themselves ( see Ishikawa , 1982 ; Urabe , 1979 ) .
28 The first was to recast management systems , structures , norms and values in line with the perceived virtues of the private sector , in particular its efficiency and dynamism ( which Ranade and Haywood 1991 term " privatising from within " ) .
29 The ‘ generalised other ’ Mead saw as a form of reference group ; a means by which some individuals assessed their norms and values in relation to some external authority .
30 Thus , about beliefs and values in science education , Michael Poole writes : In science education and in other areas of the curriculum more help needs to be given to students to enable them to discern where beliefs and values are located , how to spot where they follow from the subject matter or were imported at the beginning , what are the available options among them and what are appropriate criteria for testing their truth-claims and adjudicating between the ones on offer .
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