Example sentences of "and turned [adv prt] to " in BNC.

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1 Quadrant Park is a great , glitzy three- storeyed chasm of a club in Bootle , which on Saturday nights becomes a suffocating fleshpit of 2,500 north-western ravers tuned in and turned on to the house sound of Merseyside .
2 When he was ready to go , she lay back and turned on to her side .
3 He gave a quick , curt nod to the soldiers on duty and turned on to the Al Ain road .
4 He coaxed the Citation through the downwind leg and turned on to final runway heading , some five miles out from the airport .
5 It can become linked with the sexual instincts , and turned on to external , loved objects .
6 Beside him Fei Yen stirred and turned on to her back .
7 She groaned and turned on to her side , propping her head up with her elbow .
8 The driver revved up enthusiastically and turned on to the October Bidge .
9 Climbing into bed , she switched out the light and turned on to her side .
10 Very flat on the bottom and turned up to the bow and that 's what the salmon fishers used in the in the rivers for pulling their nets in and fishing salmon on the .
11 He hit the green and turned round to me , patted me on the back , and said , ‘ Thanks for thinking for me , Albert . ’
12 I switched off the motor and turned round to her .
13 After the unit was commissioned and turned over to Sabah Electric , TES was contacted by Dr Jamaludin Bin Dato Jarjis , managing director of Time-Epe and also member of the Malaysian parliament , to voice his extreme satisfaction with the entire project .
14 He surfaced from his thoughts and turned back to the room .
15 ‘ Let us hope his butler was too drunk to remember faces , ’ he said shortly , and turned back to the work .
16 He frowned and turned back to Susan .
17 ’ She looked about the kitchen , walked to the doorway , looked around the living room and turned back to Caroline .
18 About to return it , she frowned instead and turned back to her talkative friends .
19 Remember what you 're here for , he told himself and turned back to his audience .
20 She waved in a gesture of dismissal and turned back to her cousin .
21 Patrick watched his mother walk away form the window and turned back to his sister .
22 Patrick nudged the door closed with his foot and turned back to his mother .
23 The Doctor wrung out his hat and turned back to Vanessa and Hazel .
24 He leaned over Emily 's shoulder to see what she was reading and turned back to his own copy of the paper .
25 ‘ You 're on , Steve , ’ said Antonio , and turned back to Susanna , a satisfied smile on his handsome face .
26 He swung the gun up again , fired wildly at that thrashing form and turned back to the staircase .
27 He rose unsteadily and turned back to the shattered windows , breath coming in sobs .
28 Bob became embarrassed at his own effusiveness , and turned back to the screen , tapping out the rhythm with his fingers on the side of his glass .
29 He adjusted his paper hat and turned back to his stove .
30 I could afford to miss that part of the picture , and turned back to Gloria .
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