Example sentences of "and gave the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It compounded what had been learnt , and gave the opportunity to learn new skills through five different types of dive .
2 Self-employed plasterer Clive Jones of Bow , East London , upheld the theory and gave the lie to Harry Enfield 's overpaid plasterer character by charging £70 for a minimum of eight hours — £9 an hour .
3 Hussey disdained the usual public invitation for applicants and gave the governors a choice of one for Checkland 's successor .
4 In due course , Lloyd conceded the draw and gave the ball to his batsmen , and the match petered out with England at 156 for 2 .
5 Having most of the action Ballymoney lost their concentration and gave the ball away for McNaugh to finish from a tight angle .
6 He reached out and gave the lamp a push .
7 The District was represented by Wash , Pateman and Sophie Green as well as Shearman who had prepared the main conference document and gave the keynote talk .
8 The judges felt it was a book that had long been needed and gave the work of many of the Bauhaus photographers the recognition they deserved .
9 Once at the first theatre , Dinah dismissed it , and gave the man too small a tip , for the first time in her life ; he scowled and spat as he drove off , and this disconcerted her ; never again , she swore , would she be short of money .
10 The businessman leant across to an enormous , leather-bound diary and gave the date in early March .
11 A person in possession of someone else 's cheque book and guarantee card forged the owner 's signature and gave the cheque to the plaintiffs , supporting it by the guarantee card .
12 They simply made a raid on the first restaurant they came to and gave the proprietor fits .
13 ‘ Why not ? ’ said Frank without enthusiasm , and gave the pilot the order to take off .
14 It was a packed three days but the team returned still in high spirits and gave the pilot a round of applause for a nice gentle landing at Gatwick .
15 Finally she made her choice and gave the reasons for it with the confidence she always brought to her work .
16 During his time in Lewes he prayed in a converted pigsty and gave the chance to young Christians to live in his house while developing their faith .
17 Then she took a syringe out and gave the boy an anti-tetanus jab .
18 She stole their golden hearts and gave the lakeside people garlands , linking their stilted arms like dancers .
19 It replaced the Board of Education with a Ministry of Education , and gave the Minister at the head of this a creative rather than a merely controlling function , charging him or her with promoting education in England and Wales .
20 Five years later , in 1833 , King William IV became Patron and gave the Society permission to call itself The Royal Perth Golfing Society .
21 Shelley finished binding up an infected mosquito bite , and gave the name of an anti-histamine cream that the other patient could buy from Rosie 's shop .
22 Robyn went over to the stove and gave the mixture a savage , scowling stir .
23 That which ended in 1774 resulted in the Treaty of Kutchuk Kainardji ( Kücük Kaynarca ) , which wrested the Khanate of Crimea from the Turks and gave the Russians the right to protect the Christian subjects of the sultan .
24 Then she gauged distances and gave the drum a shove .
25 Doc Threadneedle stepped in , and gave the cowboy 's arm a wrench , setting the joint back in true .
26 Unfortunately , it lost its way converting votes into seats and gave the Conservatives only 305 and Labour 294 , a similar result to that of the BBC/NOP exit poll .
27 He drew in his breath sharply and gave the change to his wife , who put it into a double-clasped purse , which was then hidden in the inner pocket of a locked handbag .
28 The permanent secretary , Sir Peter Thornton , saw the sense of this and gave the idea his blessing .
29 Nevertheless , Judge Edward Garrison went against the general feeling of his colleagues and gave the idea its trial run .
30 As too my faith in an even greater power when the same man , just two hours later , miraculously leapt to his sore , aching feet and gave the Robin Hood cast a thoroughly deserved five-minute standing ovation …
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