Example sentences of "and able [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 You are also like to feel more confident and able to cope the second time around .
2 Any one who is saved , any one who is a Christian , who is a follower of Jesus Christ , who has committed their life to Christ , who has received his forgiveness , and who belongs to him , any one is ready and able to receive the Holy Spirit .
3 The family must be willing and able to carry the child 's past into the present and sustain it into the future , thus linking the child with its ancestral past in a positive way .
4 As the mobile libraries have limited space , confirm with Library HQ 's that they are willing and able to carry the relevant documents/information before distribution .
5 This will enable those eager and able to sit the relevant examination and thus qualify .
6 We have been working closely with over 20 publishers on a number of major projects to ensure that computer systems are functional from 1st January , and able to collect the required information , such as a customer 's VAT number and a two character country code . ’
7 At most , fifteen per cent were musical and able to appreciate the work .
8 It was two o'clock in the morning before she was conscious again , and able to call the police .
9 At first glance it also looks like the perfect market of classic economic theory , where all potential buyers and sellers are simultaneously in touch with each other and able to agree the most acceptable price to meet their requirements .
10 A headhunter needs to be an excellent listener , receptive , willing and able to see the difference in peoples ' backgrounds and how those people might fit into a very different environment .
11 In contrast to the existing system , the new solution had to be fully flexible , and able to meet the future demands of and grow with the company .
12 While the scheme makes some provision for grants , most of the payments are in the form of loans to those deemed eligible and able to meet the repayments .
13 It referred to the possibility of " membership of the organization for countries which fully share OECD values and characteristics and are willing and able to meet the obligations of membership " ( and specifically noted the interest of South Korea and Mexico in OECD membership ) .
14 I was 19 before I was completely well and able to accept the real me .
15 They may receive feedback from those to whom they are willing and able to show the text at a draft stage .
16 There 's no magician 's mantle that can duplicate its diverse roles of waterproof , overcoat , sunshade , suit of armour and refrigerator ; sensitive to the touch of a feather , to temperature and to pain , and able to withstand the wear and tear of three score years and ten , all the while executing its own running repairs !
17 Anchored to a glacial mound in Stockholm and visible for miles in all directions , the Globe demanded a coating that was dazzling , durable and able to withstand the harsh Scandinavian winters .
18 Because of the happy ambiguity Constantine found that all but two bishops were willing and able to sign the creed and canons , including Eusebius of Caesarea who promptly published an open letter indicating in what sense he interpreted the creed and anathemas .
19 Thirdly , medical advisers tend to be pragmatic and able to address the key consideration in developing health service research , which is whether or not organisational factors pose immutable barriers to implementing the research findings .
20 The family should have clear concepts of what a multiracial society is , or should be , and should be willing and able to provide the child with a balanced view of the different races .
21 It was achieved only because the senior ranks were there and able to provide the infrastructure and necessary training .
22 Inn , therefore , has a specific legal meaning and only those establishments which fall within that definition are subject to the duties and able to exercise the rights accorded to establishments of that status .
23 The authorisation of building societies by the Building Societies Commission so that they can raise money and accept deposits depends in part on a society 's having directors , a chief executive and a secretary who are willing and able to direct the society 's affairs in accordance with the criteria of ‘ prudent management ’ which are set out in s 45(3) of the Building Societies Act 1986 .
24 If invited and able to get the time off work , he will go to races anywhere in the world , whatever the distance , yet he never trains for any particular race .
25 This Devonian is more than a useful one-day cricketer who does his stuff as a medium-pace seamer. he is rated as a sound technical batsman , sure-footed against the spinner and able to get the short-pitched bowling away .
26 After 18 months of treatment he was clear of TB and able to complete the immigration procedures .
27 We were soon visual and able to locate the airfield , where once again the radio was not manned , so we never did get a weather report .
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