Example sentences of "and pick [adv prt] the " in BNC.

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1 Whimper like a whipped puppy , Jay , have a drink and pick up the pieces .
2 And pick up the groceries .
3 Because of his other highly classified projects , his office already contained all the paraphernalia of necessary secrecy : the code-block and buttons on the door , the gaggle of different-coloured telephones , the five-thousand-pound safes , even the tempered glass in the windows , as his lawyer noted at his trial , ‘ so that enemies of the country ca n't beam through the windows and pick up the sound ’ .
4 Next time , stay calm and pick up the pace when you can .
5 Sometimes it seemed that those who loved them were almost willing the band to spend their lives touring pubs , returning to Farnborough merely to return the empties and pick up the bills .
6 Think of India or the hippy trail to Kathmandu and pick up the hint of the free-wheeling late Sixties flower-power look .
7 To pick them up , moisten the paintbrush slightly , draw out the bristles to make a fine point and pick up the aphids with the tip of the brush .
8 Gently hold the disc in place on the surface of a grid by means of a strong eyelash mounted to the end of a thin wooden ( orange ) stick , and pick up the disc by bringing the grid up under the disc and out of the water .
9 ‘ Then come with me and pick up the latest reports .
10 I am ushered reverently into a cabin and pick up the quaint hand set , which has an additional round earpiece for clamping over the spare ear , so that I see myself reflected in the glass like a radio operator or a session singer .
11 I climb out and pick up the wood arrow ,
12 Moving like a boy in treacle , I rotate on the axis of my right knee and pick up the yard and a half of large bore nozzle between hands slick with sweat .
13 He wished they 'd left him the radio mast , so that he could at least listen to some music and pick up the news .
14 From the comfort of my armchair I reach across the table and pick up the gun .
15 And pick up the paper and read the ‘ Obits ’
16 I stretch over to the bedside table and pick up the packet and lighter , remove a cigarette and hand it to her .
17 Whether to you know sort of try and pick up the guys who are getting thrown out of Heathrow and make a long-term go of it or whether in the long term , em , they want to flog it off for gravel and you know mining it for gravel and sending it for houses and you know , that sort of thing .
18 And then er Tom retired and he used to run the bus long after we start the mails and then he retired and er the bus service to come down along and pick up the passengers and that was how it start .
19 The American embassy in London reported on 23 November 1956 that " anti-American feeling is at a very high pitch and yet is accompanied by the somewhat contradictory but nevertheless complacent assumption that the U.S. is bound to come to its senses and pick up the check " .
20 I cram the minute halfway back into the stack of papers in the Quaker Oats box to mark where it came from and pick up the box .
21 Potential buyers , who have a pre-sale preview of all stock on offer , then watch the screen on sale day and pick up the phone to make a bid .
22 No , I never pick up the phone , they do that , pick up one phone and speak for a minute , while that ones ringing they say hold on a minute , and pick up the other one .
23 I mean when we 're walking we are actually falling the whole time , but insects are not like that , they do n't stand on three and pick up the other three .
24 Almost all of these are now covered in a spurious black patina ( plate 8.3 ) ; indeed one can go through the sculpture galleries of the Greek and Roman Department and pick out the Payne Knight pieces from a distance , before checking against the registration number which invariably begins with 1824 .
25 Try and pick out the aspects of your background which make you especially suitable for the job you have applied for .
26 I then deliberately smudge the area with my fingers and pick out the highlights with a plastic eraser .
27 When you have finished — it might take five minutes or five hours — look through your notes and pick out the central themes .
28 I then deliberately smudge the area with my fingers and pick out the highlights with a plastic eraser .
29 So often they have to pay the price of innovations , and those who watch their activities and pick out the most promising , usually devise the most profitably and sustainable systems .
30 Three-quarters were able to distinguish between the T-shirts and pick out the one with their body scent on .
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